Leisure and recreation

Can this bird be found naturally in North America? Songbirds This bird can be found in nature

Birds are beautiful creatures by definition (well, at least most of them). Arranging a beauty contest among birds is not an easy task, but, nevertheless, one can subjectively single out a dozen special beauties. Actually, we present to your attention the ten most beautiful birds on Earth.

10. Lori parrots.

The color of parrots of this species is diverse, literally all the colors of the rainbow are present in it. The habitat of Lori parrots is Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is said that every spring the birds begin to fall, forcing Australians to carry them to veterinary clinics.
9. American kestrel.

This bird species is distributed throughout the Western Hemisphere: from Canada to the Falkland Islands. This is one of the most graceful and smallest birds of prey in the world.
8. Atlantic puffin.

On the steep shores of the North Atlantic, colonies of the Atlantic puffin can be found. These birds feed on small fish and marine invertebrates. The name was given to these birds because of their excessive gullibility. Big number Atlantic puffin has been destroyed by man.
7. Crowned crane.

This romantic bird lives in West and East Africa. During courtship, the birds perform a peculiar dance, including jumping, running, flapping their wings, shaking their heads.
6. Red cardinal.

This bird can be found in the eastern states of the United States, southeastern Canada and Mexico. The male has a bright crimson coloration with a black "mask" on the face. The female is grayish-brown with reddish feathers on the wings, chest and crest.
5. Kingfisher.

A fairly common bird species. The paws of the kingfisher are so short that they do not allow moving on the ground, so representatives of this species move with the help of wings over short distances. The brightness of the plumage of birds is achieved due to the refraction of light by feathers. Despite the prevalence of the species, these birds love solitude, it is very difficult to see them.
4. Red macaw.

The king of parrots cannot boast of a happy fate. From time immemorial they were hunted by the Indians. Macaw meat was used for food, and feathers were used to decorate and plumage arrows.
3. Tangerine.

The bird of the duck family loves to sit on the branches of trees and coastal rocks. It has a fast and maneuverable flight, taking off easily, sometimes immediately up. Mandarin is included in the Red Book of Russia. Hunting for it is prohibited. Birds of this species are bred in parks as ornamental birds.
2. Paradise tanager.

Habitat - Eastern Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. The color of the bird is quite specific: light green muzzle, blue breast, purple chin.
1. Peacock.

The only bird on this list that has been domesticated by humans. A distinctive feature of the male is the strong development of upper coverts, which are often mistaken for a tail. Peacocks are reverent in the West, they are revered in the East. In Indian mythology, when the two incarnations of the god Vishnu - Krishna and Radha - dance and play in the eternal joy of love, peacocks look at them.

Interesting and informative quizzes for junior and middle school students. Quizzes on the topic "All about birds." All quiz questions with answers. Quizzes on the knowledge of bird species, on knowledge historical information about the birds biological features birds.

Quiz "All about birds"

■ Why is the woodpecker called the "helper" of other birds? (The woodpecker crushes the bark of trees and thus makes it easier for other birds to get food).

■ What forest bird makes a nest on the ground? Chiffchaff.

■ Who sleeps during the day, flies at night, scares passers-by? Owl, owl.

■ What birds live on the high seas for years, even sleeping on the waves, swaying like a float? (Albatrosses, frigates, phaetons).

■ Why did scientists justify the cuckoo despite the fact that foundling cuckoos throw other chicks out of the nest? (The cuckoo is the only bird that eats hairy (poisonous and the most voracious, destroying hectares of forest) caterpillars. No other bird touches these caterpillars.)

■ What other birds Ancient Greece used to send messages over long distances? (Pigeons. Pigeon mail exists in our time).

■ What is the main reason for the flight of birds to warmer climes with the advent of autumn? (Only because of the lack of food. Cold is not the reason for the flight. A hungry bird freezes, full - never.)

■ What birds come to us first in spring? (Rooks.)

■ Why do rooks “open” spring, and why do swallows arrive later than other birds? (Because of the way they feed. Rooks seek food in the soil, and swallows catch insects in flight. Insects in the air appear later, respectively, and swallows arrive later than other birds.)

■ Why are migratory birds in such a hurry in spring, but not in autumn? (Birds do not fly away in autumn as long as there is food.)

■ Which birds do not fly at all? (Ostriches, penguins.)

■ In which birds does the male incubate the eggs? (At ostriches.)

■ What bird's chick does not know its mother? (Cuckoo chick.)

■ What is the name of the large-headed grebe, on whose head the feathers stand upright? (A horned bird.)

■ Which birds have special nurseries? (At the penguins.)

■ Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn? (On trees in gardens and parks, gathering in small flocks.)

■ What is the name of a male crow? (A crow, and a raven is a completely different bird, although they are relatives.)

■ Who is resting while sitting on the wires? If it flies low to the ground, it will rain. (Martin.)

■ What is the name of the meeting of two roosters? (Cockfighting.)

■ What time does the sparrow wake up? (Last of all birds, but always at the same time at 5-6 o'clock in the morning.)

■ What is the name of a large bright bird of the chicken order with long tail, which is partially domesticated? (Pheasant, peacock.)

Quiz "Wonder Birds"

■ Who is called the king of birds? (Eagle.)

■ What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich.)

■ What is the smallest bird? (Hummingbird.)

■ Which bird flies the fastest? (Swift.)

■ Which bird flies the highest? (Eagle.)

■ What is the smallest bird in our country? (Kinglet.)

■ What bird has a long tail? (Peacock, magpie.)

■ Which bird can fly tail first? (Hummingbird.)

■ Which bird in our forests is the best imitator of bird voices? (Starling.)

■ What bird is a symbol of beauty, purity and tenderness? (Swan.)

■ What bird is considered the mistress of the night forest? (Owl.)

■ What bird lives in a basket nest? (Oriole.)

■ Which yellow bird with a black tie builds a nest on sand and pebbles? (Plover.)

■ Which birds catch insects in flight? (Swallow, swift.)

■ Which birds are faithful to each other all their lives? (Swan geese.)

■ What birds are named for their beaks? (Dubonos, broadnosed, etc.)

■ Which birds hatch twice a summer? (Tits, pigeons.)

■ Which bird's nest looks like a floating island? (Chomgi.)

■ Where does the warbler build its nest? (In the grass, her nest looks like a hut.)

■ Which bird has the longest tongue? (At the woodpecker.)

■ What bird's beak looks like a hook? (Hawk.)

■ Which bird's beak is a real bag? (Pelican.)

■ Which bird's beak looks like a net? (Kozodoya.)

■ What instruments do wader noses look like? (On an awl and a sickle (awl and curlew-sickle).)

■ For some reason, this bird is called that, although it does not catch any turnips? (Repolov.)

Blitz quiz "From the life of birds"

■ Bird house. (Nest.)

■ Mass settlement of birds. (Market.)

■ Whistle for beckoning birds and animals. (Decoy.)

■ Hole in birdhouse and budgerigar house. (Tray.)

■ Bird hands. (Wings.)

■ Duck legs. (Paws.)

■ Forest doctor. (Woodpecker.)

■ Feathered heralds of spring. (Rooks.)

■ A child of any birds. (Chick.)

■ The mouth and nose of the bird. (Beak.)

■ Cackling mother hen. (Chicken, or klusha.)

■ A bird soaring over the ocean. (Albatross.)

■ American large multicolored parakeet talking. (Ara.)

■ Large-eared nocturnal bird of the order of owls. (Owl.)

■ Northern waterfowl. (Loon.)

■ A bird that looks like a swallow. (Swift.)

■ Forest chicken from the saying: "Deaf as ...". (Teterev.)

■ Is a penguin a bird? (Yes.)

■ For her love of shiny objects, she is called a thief. (Magpie.)

This rich world can surprise with many colors and various surprises.

Here are just a few rare birds that boast unusual abilities or colors.

Beautiful birds of the Earth

Longtail Velvet Weaver

These South African birds are named so due to their incredibly long tail, which can exceed the length of the body by almost 2 times, reaching 60 cm (such long tails are inherent in males).

Brilliant painted paint

In his breeding attire, the male, as a rule, has a bright blue color (sometimes black). Outside of the breeding season, the color of males does not differ from that of females, being grey-brown. It is worth noting that these birds are polygamous and, moreover, different partners will help the female in raising chicks.

crowned flycatcher

There are 4 types of crowned flyeater. At first glance, the bird is ordinary, but if you tease it, you will notice how it spreads its chic crest. Males have fiery red crest feathers with blue tips, while females are orange or yellow.

Scaled bird of paradise

This bird lives in moist forests in New Guinea. It is distinguished by unusual long feathers coming from the head. When it was first brought to Europe, people thought the feathers were fake.


Many consider this bird the most beautiful in the world. This is the national bird of Guatemala, the currency of this country is named after it, and the image of this bird can be seen on the coat of arms of Guatemala. Quezal is not capable of living in captivity. Some believe that the bird can die from a broken heart. Being freedom-loving, the quetzal was not in vain chosen as a symbol of the struggle for independence.

Lilac-breasted Roller

First of all, this bird is distinguished by its bright color: the chest is purple, the belly is blue, the head and nape are green, and a white stripe can be found near its eyes. In addition, the face of the bird is reddish in color, and its wings are brown with a bright blue color at the bottom.

It is also worth noting that during the mating season, you can see how males perform incredible acrobatic stunts in the air so that the female notices them.

Inca Tern

This bird loves the Pacific coast South America(Peru, Chile). It is distinguished primarily by its "whiskers", which are actually white swirling tufts of feathers, each of which can reach a length of 5 cm. In addition, the bird stands out from the rest with its bright red beak and red paws.

Curly arasari

This species got its name because of the unusual shape of the head feathers - they are twisted like ribbons on a gift box. The name "arasari" is translated from Latin as "pen-language" - this indicates distinctive features the structure of the language of these toucans.

Curly aracari lives in Brazil, Guyana, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador.

Blue-capped tanager

This bird lives in humid mountain forests, as well as in forest edges. Her home can be up to 1,000 meters above sea level. The blue-capped tanager can be found in eastern South America.

Blue-headed magnificent bird of paradise

The habitat of this bird is Indonesia, and more specifically, the islands of Waigeo and Batanta, located northwest of the island of New Guinea.

This bird of paradise can be distinguished by its curly tail feathers and unique coloration. The crown on the male's head is actually a piece of skin, not feathers.

Guianan Rock Cockerel

The almost perfect semi-circular light orange comb in the males of this species is actually a formation of two rows of feathers. It stretches across the entire head of the bird and even partially covers its beak.

This bird lives in the tropical and subtropical forests of Guyana and southern Venezuela. The Guianan rock cockerel loves areas rich in water - it can be found near the basin of the Rio Negro.

Lilac-capped painted malure

This bird is distinguished not only by the lilac colors of the top of its head, but also by its chant. The fact is that, unlike other malurs, this one usually sings in a duet, quite loudly, using low purity.

Turaco Livingston

This bird can be found in tropical Africa. She lives in rain, mountain, and light forests. Turaco rarely comes down to earth, and only to drink water and take a dust bath. It is worth noting that earlier these birds were called banana-eaters, which is rather strange, because. they don't eat bananas.

Shiny real kotinga

This bird lives in the upper part of the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and Bolivia. Her house is usually located at an altitude of up to 600 m above sea level.

The males are beautifully colored. It is worth noting that the dark purple feathers that adorn the neck of a brilliant koting sparkle beautifully in the sun.

Bare-throated bell ringer

It should be noted right away that the metallic ringing voice of this bird can be compared with a bell, and this sound is the loudest in the world of birds. The bird can be found in the montane rainforests of Brazil, as well as in Paraguay and northern Argentina.

Indian hornbill

This bird stands out with its yellow beak with a large helmet. The hornbill can be found in the rainforests of southern Asia. She is omnivorous, loves fruits, fish and small mammals.

The inhabitants of Indian tribes believe that the hanging skull of a hornbill will help to gain wealth.

blue-browed momot

This bird lives in Central America. Its distinguishing feature is its long tail. At the end of the tail, two even longer tail feathers can also be seen. These feathers fall off over time due to frequent brushing of the feathers with the beak.

Red-billed Alcyone

To make a nest, this bird digs holes, the length of which can reach 50 cm. It is worth noting that the red-billed kingfisher feeds on large insects, rodents, snails, fish, frogs, and also likes to hunt songbirds.

Malaya Sultanka

Habitat - southeastern United States, central and northern parts of South America, it happens that it flies to western and southern Europe.

This bird deftly climbs the stems of tall plants. She can easily swim in water like a duck and walk on floating plants like a chicken thanks to her long fingers.


This bird is in the parrot family. She lives in New Zealand, and you can meet her in human habitats - at ski houses, hotels for tourists and at campsites. It is worth noting that this is the only parrot in the world that lives and breeds at an altitude above 1,500 meters above sea level.

Quiz on the topic "Birds", grades 7-8

Popova Nadezhda Alexandrovna, teacher additional education MKU DO Bobrovskaya SUN, Bobrov, Voronezh region.
Description of work: This quiz "Birds" can be used by biology teachers when conducting extracurricular activities in grades 7-8. Players are divided into teams, answer questions, look for the bird in the photo. A correct answer gets a token.

Quiz "Birds"

Targets and goals: repeat and consolidate knowledge about birds, be able to guess a bird from a description, cultivate love and respect for birds.
Quiz Rules: Each team has a sheet with the names of the birds mentioned in the quiz. The host reads the question, the players choose the correct answer and call. Teams answer in turn. If a team gives a wrong answer, the other team can give their own answer. For the correct answer - a token. If the team can show the named bird in the photo - a badge.
Equipment: answer sheets, pens, photos of birds, tokens.

Quiz progress.
1. In spring, this beautiful bird with pink-red plumage arrives from Africa to the shores of the Caspian Sea and lakes of Kazakhstan. Feed in shallow water with fish and shellfish. It is the longest bird in the world (flamingo).
2. A large white bird, well known to the inhabitants of Ukraine and Belarus. Arranges nests near human habitation, on the roofs of houses. Feeds on frogs, snakes, small rodents, fish and insects (stork).
3. A beautiful bird with colorful plumage, common in southern Europe and Asia. It happens wild and tame. The male is distinguished by a long tail and a bright color of feathers, casting a metallic sheen. (pheasant).
4. Wild chicken with thick variegated plumage. Her homeland is Africa. Lives in shrub forests, feeds on grass, insects, grains. Her voice is like a trumpet. Domesticated since ancient times and bred in many countries (guinea fowl).
5. Predatory night bird with dull gray plumage and a large round head. Lives in the forests. It feeds on mice, birds and insects. Benefits by exterminating rodents (owl).
6. Predatory night bird. The feathers on her head are raised and resemble ears. Distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa. It lives in forests, but is also found in the steppes, lowlands and high mountains. Feeds on small animals and birds (owl).

7. The appearance of this African bird with a peculiar plumage on the back of the head resembles a clerk putting a pen behind his ear. This strong bird can easily deal with the large snakes that it feeds on with a kick. (secretary).
8. A large bird common in South Asia. The male is distinguished by a bright beautiful tail, similar to a fan. This bird can be seen in the zoo (peacock).
9. One of the largest birds of prey. Its weight is about ten kilograms, its wingspan is up to 2.5 meters. It is found in Ukraine, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Central Asia. Feeds on carrion (griffon vulture).
10. Large bird of prey. Distributed in Europe, Asia, Africa. It lives mainly in the mountains at an altitude of up to 4500 meters, builds nests on trees or rocks. Feeds on carrion. This is the farsighted bird (vulture).
11. The largest of the waterfowl. It lives in Africa and southern Asia, lives in the Volga delta and on the lakes of Kazakhstan. It feeds on fish, which it catches with a huge beak resembling a bag. (pelican).
12. Cautious, secretive bird that lives in the forests of Australia, with a large bright tail, shaped like a lyre. This bird almost does not fly, but it runs fast. Skillfully imitates the voices of other birds (lyrebird).
13. Sea northern bird. Only during the period of incubation of chicks does it come to land, the rest of the time it lives in the sea. Lays eggs directly on the stones of steep cliffs (guillemot).
14. White bird with narrow long wings. Settles in flocks along the banks of rivers and lakes. It swims and flies equally well. It feeds on fish, small aquatic animals and their larvae. (river gull).
15. This small bird arrives in our region in spring from hot countries. Usually nest near human habitation. Sings and skillfully imitates the voices of other birds. Destroys harmful insects (starling).
16. Homeland of this beautiful waterfowl with black plumage and a red beak - Australia and Tasmania, but it can be found in many countries of the world. It nests along the banks of lakes and rivers, feeds on mollusks, insects, aquatic plants. (black swan).
17. The name of this bird is due to the fact that males often lose their hearing during the spring mating. It is common in Europe and Asia. Lives in dense coniferous forests. It feeds on berries, needles, buds of trees and shrubs. (grouse).
18. What is the name of this parrot with a fancy crest on its head? It lives in Australia, New Zealand and the Philippine Islands. Lives in hollows of trees and on rocks. Well tamed (cockatoo).
19. This bird can only be found in the southern hemisphere - in Antarctica. Its short wings are covered with small stiff feathers and resemble the flippers of a seal. She does not fly, but moves well on land, swims and dives. Eats fish (penguin).
20. A small bird of bright color with a long beak and a crest on its head. Found in the south of our country. It feeds on insects, which it takes out with its beak from crevices in trees. Nests in hollows or among rocks. (hoopoe).
21. A large bird of our steppes with a long neck and long legs. For the winter flies to the southern countries - Africa, India. Feeds on insects, field grains (crane).
22. A bird that inhabits the tundra and the forest belt of Europe. In summer it is bright red, by winter it changes and puts on a snow-white outfit. It feeds on berries and shrub buds ( partridge).
23. Bird with a long beak, curved in the form of a hook. It lives on the shores of the seas and large rivers. Swims and dives well. In some countries, it is tamed and used for fishing. (cormorant).
24. Parrots the size of a tit or a little more. Deftly jump in the branches and on the ground. The building material for the nest is stuck into the plumage not only of the back, but also of the chest and neck. They sleep like bats, hanging upside down on a branch. Live in South Asian countries from Bombay to Australia (loriculus).
25. Bird without wings. Lives in New Zealand. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. Spends the day in burrows or caves under tree roots. Feeds on insects, worms, plant seeds. Heavily exterminated and protected (kiwi).
26. A bird found in the forests of our country. The motley plumage makes it invisible on a tree branch. Feeds on berries, buds of trees and shrubs, insects (grouse).
27. This large bird with long legs and a huge beak looks like a stork. Her head and neck are covered with rare feathers. She lives in Africa. Feeds on small rodents, insects, frogs, lizards (marabou).
28. On the banks of taiga rivers Far East and in Japan, this tree duck with bright plumage lives. They call her arboreal for the fact that she arranges her nests in the hollows of trees. (mandarin duck).
29. A bird with beautiful plumage that lives in the tropical forests of South America. It has a large, orange-red beak with saw-shaped serrations. (toucan).
30. Large brown bird of prey. It nests along the banks of large rivers, lakes and seas. Eats fish. Its wingspan reaches two and a half meters. (white-tailed eagle).

The peacock is a large bird that belongs to the pheasant family. It is distinguished by its incredible beauty plumage, most often motley. It is believed that this creature became the prototype of the fabulous firebird. Where do peacocks live in the wild?

In this mysterious country, there was a place not only for massive elephants and nimble monkeys - a long-tailed peacock lives here. Since ancient times, these birds have adorned the palaces of the rajah, strolled slowly in the gardens and parks of mighty rulers. They symbolized prosperity, health and well-being.

The natural habitat of peacocks is India and Ceylon, where there is never a harsh winter and cold weather.

The bird prefers open areas, which are overgrown with grasses, and also have shrubs. For peacocks, it is very important that there is vegetation, because this is a great place to sleep.

Like the Indian peacock, the bird that inhabits Asian countries holds itself proudly and at ease. He likes to develop the territory where there are bushes so that he can stay here for the night. They like to be near agricultural land in order to find food. Often, Asian peacocks settle above the sea, and the height reaches 2000 meters. This allows them to feel safe, especially if they have to coexist with predators.

Males are aggressive, besides, they can make loud unpleasant sounds. Unlike the usual blue color, the "Javanese" is distinguished by green-turquoise plumage, a scaly neck and has a brown crest in the form of an "Iroquois".

Both Indian and Javanese peacocks are often victims of poachers. Despite the fact that they are protected in their homeland, outside the countries of the birds are often killed for the sake of exotic feathers. Previously, it was believed that peacock meat has a special taste, so it was eaten as a delicacy. Today, these birds are practically not used as a food product, however, their feathers are still valuable.


Among the many wild animals that can be found on the territory of African countries, there is also a peacock. Its full name is the Congolese peacock.

Unlike its "relatives", this species is devoid of the main distinguishing feature - a magnificent tail.

Usually this peacock has a gray-blue color with black feathers and a bright orange neck. On the head is a bunch of a small number of feathers. The female has almost the same features, however, her color is dominated by a green tint with brown spots.

The peacock inhabits the territory of the Congo, where it lives in tropical forests. It prefers to build nests in the forks of trees. Like other members of the family, the "African" prefers to eat berries, insects and various small animals. It should be noted that so far this species of peacocks has not been studied too deeply. Biologists still have work to do, and fans of these birds still have to wait for new information.

Video "White peacock"

This video will talk about the white peacock.