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The cheapest antiviral agent for adults. Powerful antiviral remedy for colds. Rating of the best antiviral agents

It is easy to catch a cold at any time of the year. In winter and early spring, the body is weakened by a lack of vitamins, in autumn unsettled weather and dampness can play a cruel joke, in summer we catch a cold under air conditioners or sitting in ponds until our lips turn blue. Therefore, there should always be cold remedies in the first-aid kit, since their effectiveness is the higher, the earlier treatment is started. Of course, it would be great to find antiviral drugs that are inexpensive but effective. Someone sarcastically chuckles and is completely in vain. The doctors themselves confirm that over the past couple of decades, revolutionary remedies for colds have not been invented. So, new and expensive is not necessarily the best.

Before diving into the study of antiviral drugs, I have to say a few words about when they should generally be taken.

Everyone knows the feeling of weakness and malaise that accompanies the onset of a cold. Still only a little tickle in the throat, a little squelching nose and some weakness does not allow to fully work and lead a life. Most often, until the temperature is put to bed, we prefer to "pass" the disease, washing it down with tea with lemon. This is wrong and treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Reception antiviral agents justified literally from the first hours of the disease, since already for 2-3 days they may be ineffective.

Separately, it is worth stipulating the use of antibiotics. These funds do not act on viruses, therefore they are completely useless for colds. At least until a bacterial infection joins the running flu.

Viruses cause not only flu or herpes, but also many other diseases. But many antiviral agents are active against several types of viruses. Therefore, do not be alarmed if you are prescribed a drug for a cold, which is indicated, for example, for hepatitis.

So, it is traditionally accepted to divide all drugs against viruses into two groups:

  • interferons and their inhibitors (drugs that stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies);
  • in fact, drugs that attack the virus.

The last group, in turn, includes drugs against influenza, herpes, cytomegaloviruses, retroviruses. A separate category is made up of herbal preparations and homeopathy.

It is important to note that most of these agents have unproven effectiveness. Research is expensive and is carried out directly by manufacturers or interested parties. Therefore, on the pharmacy shelves, the lion's share of "cold remedies" are just empty shells, and not cheap ones.

As for immunomodulators, there is a lot of gossip around these drugs. Some doctors insist on their high efficiency. Others warn that the mechanism of the immune system is not yet sufficiently understood to speak about the safety of using such drugs in the long term. In any case, all these drugs are best taken as a preventive measure during the cold season, since their action is not instantaneous.

Broad Spectrum Antivirals

This group primarily includes interferons and their inhibitors. The first are preparations of human interferon or its analogues obtained artificially. The second - means that stimulate the immune system to produce its own interferon.

What is interferon anyway? This is the common name for several proteins that are synthesized by cells during a viral attack.

They are three types: alpha, beta and gamma. The substance itself does not attack the virus, but changes the structure of the cell, preventing its reproduction. In addition, it activates the immune system.

It should be noted that interferon inhibitors are widely used only in the post-Soviet countries, and interferon preparations themselves are prescription drugs abroad.

A wide range of effects and herbal preparations, many of which also activate the synthesis of interferon.

Interferon leukocyte

A drug prescribed against influenza and other viral diseases. It is used both for prevention and as a medicine (both main and concomitant). Available in powder form. Packed in 2 ml ampoules. Before use, it is diluted in water and then dripped into the nose twice a day, 5 drops each. As a preventive measure, it continues to be taken as long as the likelihood of infection persists.

If flu symptoms have already appeared, then interferon should be instilled as early as possible. The dosage is the same, but up to 5 times a day. The solution is also used in inhalation. For this, 3 ampoules are diluted in 10 ml of water.

There are no reliable data on use by pregnant women and children. Some doctors prescribe interferon almost from infancy. The cost of a package with 10 ampoules ranges from 80 to 130 rubles.


This drug contains the same human interferon, but in the form of drops or spray. One bottle is equivalent to 100 ampoules of the specified substance. The price ranges from 225 to 340 rubles.

Approved for children and pregnant women. Adults in the treatment of influenza and SARS drip 3 drops into one and the other nostril. Up to 6 procedures are allowed per day. Children accept according to age. As a preventive measure, the drug is dripped twice a day. Contraindications, except for allergic reactions, the drug has no.


This is again interferon, but already in the form of suppositories. Suitable for use with young children. It is also produced in the form of a gel and ointment.

The drug is allowed from the second trimester of pregnancy, as well as to children from infancy. Has no contraindications. The cost of 10 suppositories ranges from 210-260 rubles.

The dosage is calculated taking into account the age of the patient and the type of disease.

Lavomax, Amiksin, Tilaksin

These are drugs based on tilorone, which is an inhibitor of interferon. The cost of a package with 6 tablets is 450-560 rubles. Despite the not entirely democratic price, this number of tablets is enough for a full therapeutic course.

Means are indicated for the treatment of influenza, colds, herpes infections and other diseases of viral origin. Prohibited for admission to children under the age of seven and pregnant women.

For colds in the first two days, a dose of 125 mg is indicated, then a tablet every other day (4 times, a total of 8 days). In order to prevent the drug, it is even easier to drink - one tablet per week, 6 doses.


A drug based on the active substance of the same name is another interferon inducer. Indicated for influenza, SARS and herpetic eruptions. Available in tablets of 10 units per pack. The price for a pack is about 230 rubles, but for a course for an adult you will need two of them.

Among the contraindications, the manufacturer noted pregnancy and age up to 3 years. Individual reactions to the drug are not excluded.

For colds in the first two days, the drug is taken in shock doses: a couple of tablets every 6 hours. Further, for two days, the dose is shown, halved.


The drug of the widest spectrum, which has a detrimental effect directly on viruses. The active substance is incorporated into the RNA of the virus, causing death or mutations that reduce the pathogenicity of microorganisms. Available in capsules or tablets by various manufacturers. For 30 pieces you will have to pay from 90 to 250 rubles.

Despite the high efficiency, the drug is not allowed to be taken by everyone.

Contraindications manufacturers include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • heart disease;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys, as well as the thyroid gland;
  • autoimmune diseases.

The drug has a teratogenic effect, therefore, within six months after taking it, pregnancy is highly undesirable.

The medicine is taken based on the ratio of 15 mg / kg per day.


Russian-made immunomodulator drug. It is based on sodium deoxyribonucleate, which has a complex effect: activates phagocytes, accelerates metabolism, boosts DNA synthesis. It is indicated in the treatment (even as the only remedy) of acute respiratory viral infections and inflammatory processes of viral and bacterial etiology. Most effective in the first few days of the disease.

Derinat has no contraindications and is allowed to be taken from infancy. On the first day of the disease, the medicine is dripped in a couple of drops with an interval of an hour and a half. On the second day - 3-4 times in the same dosage.

The product is available in the form of drops and spray. The retail price ranges from 225 to 290 rubles per 10 ml.

Antiviral in complexes with immunomodulators and antihistamines

Effective medicines for colds and flu, which have a complex effect, are very popular today: they relieve inflammation, spasms, raise immunity, stop allergic reactions.


This is a homeopathic remedy. Available in tablets in adult and pediatric dosages, and in the form of drops for the smallest patients. Anaferon has a complex effect, destroying viruses, activating the immune system. Indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and herpes infections. The cost ranges from 180-220 rubles.

It can be used during pregnancy, given the risk/benefit ratio.

For the treatment of colds and flu, the course of therapy should be started as soon as possible. In the first two hours, drink 4 tablets (one piece per half hour). In the remaining 22 hours, 3 more pieces are taken. In the following days, take one tablet three times a day until the symptoms disappear.


Another homeopathic preparation produced in Austria based on gentian, aconite and bryony. It has a complex effect: stimulates the immune system, destroys the virus, relieves fever. Available in liquid and tablet form. The pricing policy is in the range of 360-500 rubles.

The drug has no other contraindications, except for individual high sensitivity. Aflubin is allowed for children from birth, pregnant and lactating - in agreement with the doctor.

For treatment, adults are shown taking 10 drops or one tablet three times a day. The pediatric dosage is prescribed by the doctor.


Another drug that activates the production of interferon. The active ingredient is umifenovir. It is indicated against influenza and other viral diseases, intestinal infections. Produced in capsule, tablet form, in the form of a suspension. The cost of 20 tablets (enough for a course) is about 450 rubles.

It is not allowed to be taken by children under 2 years of age, pregnant women, due to the lack of a research base. Of the contraindications for the drug, the manufacturer notes only individual intolerance.

During treatment, adults take a tablet 4 times a day, children - half or a quarter with the same multiplicity. The course of therapy lasts 5 days.


The drug, belonging to the group of homeopathic remedies, has an antiviral effect and has antihistamine properties. Produced in tablets of 20 pieces per pack costing from 280 to 320 rubles.

The tool has no restrictions on admission, except for children up to six months and individual cases of intolerance. Pregnant women should take Ergoferon with caution.

For treatment, first take a tablet with an interval of half an hour, and then 3 more tablets until the end of the day. From the next day, the frequency of receptions is reduced to three.

In order to prevent infection, Ergoferon can be taken up to six months.


A drug Russian production, which has a complex effect: inhibits the reproduction of viruses and stops inflammatory processes. The active ingredient is Vitaglutam. Available in two forms, differing in the concentration of the active substance in the capsule. Packed in packs of seven capsules. Price: from 450 to 480 for an "adult" dosage.

The drug in a children's dosage is allowed to be taken from 7 years. The rest of the tool has no restrictions. Studies on pregnant women have not been conducted.

The treatment regimen is extremely simple - one capsule once a day from the onset of symptoms. Consumed without reference to food intake.

Inosine pranobex (Groprinosin, Isoprinosine)

The tool has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. As a result of the intake, the body's resistance to viruses increases, the manifestations of the disease decrease, and recovery is accelerated. For 20 tablets you will have to pay about 700 rubles.

Treatment with drugs is prohibited for gout and urolithiasis, arrhythmia and kidney disease. Pregnancy and age up to 3 years are also contraindications for admission.

Adults drink one tablet up to 4 times daily. Children - based on the ratio of 50 mg / kg.


Homeopathic remedy in tablet form. It has an antiviral effect, as well as immunomodulatory and sympatholytic. It is indicated for influenza and SARS in combination with other drugs. Fifty tablets will cost approximately 450 rubles.

Treatment with Engystol is not prescribed for children under three years of age, as well as for people with lactose intolerance.

Tablets are not swallowed, but dissolved one by one three times a day. After taking it for an hour, it is undesirable to eat food. The course is two weeks.

Effective herbal antivirals

As mentioned above, almost all of the drugs described have so far unproven efficacy, and the effect of some of them has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, the long-term use or use of such funds for prophylactic purposes causes reasonable concerns in some people. An alternative to them can be herbal medicines.


A phytopreparation that has an inhibitory effect on the neuraminidase of the virus can be prescribed for both influenza, SARS, and herpes. The main active substance is an extract of buckthorn buckthorn. Produced in absorbable tablets of 20 pieces per pack. The cost is from 130 to 145 rubles.

The tool is not allowed to be taken by children under three years of age due to the impossibility correct use. There are no data on use by pregnant and lactating mothers.

For the treatment of flu and colds, a tablet of Hyporamine is absorbed up to 6 times during the day. For children, the dosage is reduced proportionately. The duration of the course is from 3 to 5 days.


The homeopathic medicine is produced in France on the basis of liver and heart cells of a special breed of ducks. Can be used to treat colds, SARS, flu. Produced in granules packaged in tubes. The cost of 6 doses ranges from 330 to 370 rubles.

The drug has no contraindications, except for special cases of intolerance to the components. During pregnancy, the reception should be agreed with the doctor.

The dosage does not depend on age and is determined solely on the basis of the severity of the disease. At pronounced signs colds traditionally use the contents of 1 tube twice a day. Therapy is continued for 3 days.


A product based on echinacea with the addition of vitamin C. It is available in tablet form and as a syrup (Immunal Plus). Stimulates the immune system and is indicated for the prevention and treatment of "colds". The cost of the drug is approximately 320-360 rubles. Alternatively, you can buy echinacea tincture for 90 rubles.

The remedy is acceptable for babies from 1 year old, and for pregnant women in agreement with the doctor. Do not drink Immunal to people with autoimmune diseases.

The drug is drunk 3 ml three times a day. Children reduce the dose by 2-3 times.


A domestically produced drug obtained from extracts of two types of kopek herb. The agent inhibits the reproduction of viruses on early stages diseases, activates the production of gamma - interferon and has some antibacterial effect. Prescribed primarily for the treatment of herpes and cytomegalovirus. Available in tablets. A package of 20 pieces costs approximately 175-190 rubles.

The dosage is determined by the doctor. Adults are allowed to take 2 tablets up to 4 times a day.

Antivirals for adults, inexpensive but effective

Among the variety of antiviral agents, it is always difficult to choose. Drugs in the same group are equivalent in effectiveness and there is no significant difference between them. The choice is up to the consumer, who in most cases focuses on the price.

Before buying, be sure to ask the pharmacist for instructions.

A pleasant price is often deceptive, since the medicine has to be taken often and a lot. On average, the course of therapy with antiviral agents is 4-7 days and will cost approximately 400-600 rubles per adult patient.

There are also more expensive drugs, such as Relenza. The tool acts only on the influenza virus, and costs about 880-1120 rubles. Its effectiveness is also not well understood. So why pay more?

Rimantadin (Remantadin, Orvirem)

Synonymous drugs based on rimantadine. It blocks the ability of the virus to enter cells, but is only effective against the flu. These are the most inexpensive flu medicines: Remantadine tablets will cost about 40-50 rubles.

Remantadine is not indicated until 7 years of age, Orvirem syrup can be used to treat children from one year old. Both drugs are contraindicated in diseases of the liver and kidneys. It is undesirable to take medicine for epilepsy. Women in position and nursing mothers are also prohibited from taking medicine.

Treatment involves taking 300 mg on the first day (one-time or in several doses), 200 mg on the next two days, and 100 mg for two more days.

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu, Nomides, Oseltamivir)

Analogue drugs effective against influenza viruses. The active substance suppresses them and inhibits reproduction. For a package of 10 tablets of 75 mg, you will have to pay from 640 rubles (Oseltamivir) to 1200 (Tamiflu). This amount is sufficient for a full course of therapy.

Despite the fact that the drugs have almost no contraindications (age up to a year and intolerance to the components), they have a wide range of side effects. From nausea and vomiting to convulsions and neuropsychiatric disorders. Which casts doubt on the advisability of taking such drugs when the market is replete with other, less dangerous drugs.

Combining the above, we offer a table of cheap analogues of expensive drugs.

And considering that a cold does not come alone, but with debilitating symptoms, instead of expensive drugs, we offer inexpensive and effective medicines for cough, fever and other manifestations of the disease to help with treatment.

Expensive drugActionReplacement
Aspirin, Upsarin UpsaAntipyreticAcetylsalicylic acid
Panadol, ColdrexAntipyreticParacetamol
NurofenAntipyretic, anti-inflammatoryIbuprofen
Otrivin, For the NoseAgainst the common coldGalazolin
Ambrobene, LazolvanexpectorantAmbroxol

Despite the equal effectiveness of these drugs, if the doctor prescribed you a remedy from the left column of the table, still agree on a replacement with him.

Effective antiviral drugs for children

Breastfed babies have been shown to have stronger immune systems. Every nursing mother should know that if she is sick, it is not worth weaning the baby. Since some time passes between the penetration of the virus into the body (and into the baby too, with milk) and the symptoms that appear. On the contrary, if the mother does not take illegal drugs, then her milk carries antibodies to help the baby's immunity. And this is the best medicine.

Nevertheless, both bottle-fed and breast-fed children with illness necessarily need medical treatment. Whether you give preference to homeopathy, interferon agents or synthetic derivatives is a voluntary matter. We offer a list of antiviral drugs in age gradation.

Children up to a year

The most tender age, when the choice of medicine should be approached with particular care.

  1. At this age, babies can drip Interferon or Derinat into the nose.
  2. Viferon rectal suppositories are allowed to use immediately from birth and even premature babies.
  3. From six months, a child can be given homeopathic Ergoferon. It is available in tablets, but they are easy to dissolve in water and give crumbs from a spoon, pipette or syringe.
  4. Children's Anaferon is another homeopathic remedy approved for use upon reaching 1 month. The tablet can be dissolved or the drug can be purchased in drops.
  5. Aflubin falls into the category of permitted from infancy. Drops can be diluted in water or breast milk.

Children from one to three years old

Slightly grown-up babies can continue to give any of the above remedies in case of illness.

  1. Also, the first-aid kit of a young mother can be replenished with Oseltamivir or Tamiflu. The drug is produced in capsules, but it is permissible to open them and prepare a suspension. The contents of the capsule are bitter, so it will need to be diluted in sweet puree, condensed milk or other tasty product.
  2. For the treatment of colds, it is already possible to give the child Orvirem syrup (an analogue of Remantadin, diluted to a safe concentration).
  3. From the age of two, children are allowed Arbidol in the form of a suspension

Children from three years old

Now the drug Kagocel (tablets) and any of the means already familiar from birth is becoming available to babies. But before treating a child, consult a pediatrician. In addition, during epidemics, his experience with other children can already play into your hands and tell you which drugs the virus is especially sensitive to in the current season.

Antiviral drugs allowed during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a time for illness, especially in the first trimester. Nevertheless, weakened immunity often fails expectant mothers and makes them experience all the delights of a “cold” without the possibility of its traditional, quick treatment.

In addition to funds traditional medicine, pregnant women can use some antiviral agents. For example, doctors often prescribe cheap interferon-based cold medicines to pregnant women. Derinat is also allowed. Anaferon and Oscillococcinum are also conditionally safe (the funds have not been tested on pregnant women, but it is assumed that they are harmless to the fetus). All herbal preparations during this period should be treated with caution.

Influenza and diseases that we used to call colds are not at all harmless. Their consequences can be very serious, especially in children or adults with weak immunity. Therefore, given the non-100% effectiveness of antiviral agents, you should worry about your health ahead of time. Strengthen your immune system, play sports, temper, eat well. But with regard to vaccination against influenza - this moment causes a lot of rumors. Given that the cunning microorganism is constantly mutating, the likelihood of getting sick after an injection remains very high.

In damp and cold weather, we are especially vulnerable to viruses that cause colds. At the same time, more and more often, the influenza virus turns out to be not only unpleasant, but also a very dangerous phenomenon - with complications, a severe course of the disease, and the likelihood of relapses. To fight the disease, it is necessary to use high-quality, truly effective drugs - only in this case the treatment will be effective.

Of course, the doctor should prescribe an antiviral agent after the examination. Nevertheless, we will list the 10 most effective drugs in this group - each of them is quite capable of quickly coping with "cold" viruses.


Kagocel is an immunomodulatory and antiviral drug, which contains the sodium salt of the copolymer. This component stimulates the production of late interferon, due to which an antiviral effect is provided. Kagocel is most effective if it is taken on the first day of the disease. Treatment with the drug should begin no later than the fourth day of the acute stage of the disease. Kagocel can also be taken to prevent viral diseases.

There are practically no side effects from taking Kagocel, most often they consist in the appearance of allergic reactions. Kagocel can be given to children over the age of three, as well as adults. Kagocel is not recommended for use in pregnant and lactating women.

The cost of the drug: about 250 rubles. for 10 tablets (12 mg).

Cytovir 3

Cytovir 3 is an effective antiviral drug that has a complex effect. So, the medicine contains vitamin C, as well as bendazole, which stimulates the "production" of endogenous interferon by the body. Cytovir 3 is available in several dosage forms, including capsules for adults and syrup for children, as well as powder for solution.

In list side effects- the ability to reduce blood pressure in those patients who suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia. The drug is not prescribed for urolithiasis, hypotension, diabetes mellitus, stomach ulcers, pregnancy. Cytovir 3 can be used for children older than 1 year, however, in childhood it is better to use the drug with caution. When taking Tsitovir 3, a pronounced effect of the treatment appears on the 2nd-3rd day. It is better to start using the drug from the first days of illness.

The cost is about 300 rubles. for 12 capsules.


Ingavirin is a drug that is used to treat parainfluenza, influenza A and B, adenovirus infection and a number of other diseases. Ingavirin is an immunomodulator, the drug activates the immune system against viral pathogens. The drug (90 mg) can only be used for adults, it is contraindicated for children under the age of 18. For children from 7 years old, Ingaverin (60 mg) is offered. Among the side effects of Ingavirin are only allergic reactions. Pregnant and lactating women Ingavirin can be prescribed only after consulting the attending physician.

Recipe for the occasion::

The cost is about 500 rubles. for 7 capsules (60 mg); 620 rub. for 7 capsules (90 mg).


The main active ingredient of Amiksin is tilorone. It has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect and is an interferon inducer of synthetic origin. Amiksin effectively treats catarrhal viral diseases, is used in the treatment of a wide range of diseases of this group. Amiksin is not prescribed for children under the age of 7 years, as well as for women during lactation and pregnancy. Amiksin can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of viral diseases. Among the side effects are only allergic reactions, which occur relatively rarely.

The cost is about 600 rubles. for 6 tablets (125 mg); 600 rub. for 10 tablets (60 mg).


This is a very well-known and at the same time quite expensive drug that has a pronounced antiviral effect. Tamiflu is used in the treatment of influenza A and B viruses, in relation to SARS (colds) is ineffective.

Tamiflu is prescribed to children over the age of 1 year, and it is important to observe the correct dosage. The drug can also be used to treat viral diseases during pregnancy and lactation, however, the drug should be taken with caution, carefully monitoring well-being.

Tamiflu can give side effects: diarrhea, insomnia, nausea, headaches. The drug becomes dangerous with prolonged use without interruption - it can provoke the development of psychosis and depression. Tamiflu is not used to prevent viral diseases, only to treat them.

The cost is about 1200 rubles. for 10 capsules (75 mg).


Arbidol is a popular antiviral drug that is effective in treating whole group diseases: not only influenza A and B viruses, but also rotavirus infections, as well as associated coronaviruses. Arbidol was invented back in 1974 and is still used today. This medicine is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women are prescribed only by a doctor. Among the side effects of Arbidol are headaches, as well as the development of individual allergic reactions. However, in general it is safe and effective remedy with a wide spectrum of action.

The cost is from 500 rubles. for 20 capsules (100 mg).


Remantadine is a well-known antiviral drug that is especially effective against the influenza A virus. Remantadine is a derivative of adamantane. The medicine is not prescribed to pregnant women, as well as children under the age of 1 year. Remantadine can cause vomiting and nausea, headache and lethargy, reduce concentration. However, such side effects occur quite rarely, while the effectiveness of the drug is high.

Cost - from 200 rubles. for 20 tablets (50 mg).

Oxolinic ointment

Oxolinic ointment is a topical antiviral medicine. She needs to lubricate the nose (mucous membranes) to prevent influenza infection. It is important to note that the drug does not contain interferon and does not have a therapeutic effect - this is precisely a prophylactic drug. Oxolinic ointment can be used daily during periods of epidemics, as well as at a high risk of infection (for example, if someone is sick at home). Oxolinic ointment has no contraindications and can be used to prevent airborne infection for a long time.

The cost is about 50 rubles. per 10 g (0.25%).


Anaferon is a homeopathic remedy that stimulates antiviral immunity. The medicine can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of influenza. The manufacturer claims that Anaferon not only helps to cope with the disease faster, but also reduces the risk of complications. Anaferon can be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women, and a "children's" form of the drug is also available for the treatment of viral diseases in children. The only contraindication of Anaferon is lactose intolerance. The medicine does not give complications and is generally very effective.

The cost is about 250 rubles. for 20 tablets.


Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic preparation produced in granules that provides effective prevention and treatment of influenza and colds. The medicine has no contraindications (with the exception of lactose intolerance), it can be used from the first days of life, and can also be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women.

When symptoms of the disease appear, Oscillococcinum should be taken as early as possible - this way you can ensure the maximum effectiveness of the drug. Oscillococcinum effectively suppresses the activity of the influenza virus and prevents the development of complications in the disease.

The cost is about 750 rubles. for 12 doses.

In conclusion, it must be said that any antiviral drugs should be taken with caution and not too often. The fact is that with constant stimulation of the immune system, the immune system can be depleted and work with less efficiency. Doctors point out that no more than 3-4 courses of treatment with antiviral drugs are allowed per year. More frequent use of such drugs becomes dangerous for the immune system.

P.S. And remember:

Treatment of such an ailment as a cold involves the use of a number of measures to reduce temperature and reduce inflammation. However, if the disease is viral in nature, then there is a possibility of developing complications, because the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs for colds, which have a direct effect on the particle that infects the body.

During flu season TV channels flood viewers with ads medicines from the flu. According to statistics, Russians annually spend about 30 billion rubles on the purchase of such medicinal and preventive drugs, while trusting the recommendations of doctors and pharmacists, as well as commercials, the heroes of which are almost instantly healed after taking a miraculous drug. We invite you to disregard advertising suggestions and impartially look at the most popular "winter" drugs, study their compositions and try to find the results of laboratory tests.

List of the best drugs 2019

  • Arbidol
  • Theraflu
  • Anaferon
  • Oscillococcinum
  • Kagocel
  • Coldrex
  • Fervex
  • Amiksin
  • Ingavirin
  • Viferon
  • Anvimax
  • Grippferon

Antiviral drugs for colds - a list

Taking these drugs helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of complications. They are recommended to be taken as a prevention of many diseases. With a cold, doctors advise resorting to antiviral agents, and not to antibacterial ones, in order to overcome the virus that caused the disease. Antibiotic treatment is carried out in the presence of bacterial complications.

The most popular antiviral drugs for colds are those with the following names:

As well as homeopathic antiviral drugs for colds:

Consider some of the drugs presented:

  1. Ribavirin prescribed for diseases associated with the activity of viruses of groups A0 and A2, effectively copes with rhinoviruses.
  2. Arbidol used to get rid of diseases caused by viruses A and B. Also, the agent inhibits adenoviruses and is effective for laragrippe.
  3. Groprinosin reduces the load on the body created by viruses, stimulates the synthesis of interferon, thus increasing resistance to diseases.
  4. Inosine Pranobex especially effective in the treatment of ailments associated with the influence of rhinoviruses, group B viruses and adenoviruses. Also, the use of the drug helps to cope with parainfluenza and the influenza virus.

Inexpensive antivirals for colds

Among the cheap means of destroying infectious particles are:

  1. Amizon. with a clear interferonogenic effect. In addition to low cost, its advantages are the absence of side effects, including allergic reactions;
  2. Anaferon. inhibitory activity of influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rotavirus, adenovirus, supports immunity. The drug is actively used with other drugs in combination for the treatment of diseases caused by the herpes virus.
  3. Amiksin stimulates the immune system, has a long-term effect. In many cases, a week is enough to drink one tablet.

Strong antiviral drugs for colds

The most powerful of all drugs are neuraminidase inhibitors, which weaken the enzyme responsible for the development of the virus. These include Zanamivir and Tamiflu.

Medicines inhibit the growth of viruses in groups A and B. Their use reduces the duration of the febrile stage by 50%, reduces the likelihood of complications by half. The main advantage of such funds is that they lose their action throughout the duration of the disease. However, due to numerous side effects, they are not prescribed to children under the age of twelve.

The most effective antiviral drugs for colds

The most convenient and effective form are interferons. These components are active against all viruses, since their activity is not limited by anything. Interferon is synthesized in the body, therefore the main side effect is intolerance to a foreign protein. The best antiviral drugs for colds in this category are: Cycloferon, Laferon, candles - Kipferon, nose drops - Grippferon.

Antiviral remedies for colds - a list of the best

Three days ago, our regular reader Natalya asked me to write an article with complete list the most effective antiviral remedies for the common cold.

At first we wanted to find a good article on the Internet and give it a link so as not to waste our time, but after searching the Internet for information, we did not find a single article that would answer this question completely. Thus, this material appeared, which contains more than 30 of the most effective and inexpensive antiviral drugs.

The human body is surrounded by hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms every day, which at any time can undermine the immune system and cause colds or viral diseases. Infections caused by virus agents bring up to 5 million deaths annually - this, unfortunately, is the sad statistics of the World Health Organization.

Despite the danger of viruses. people often ignore a cold and go to work and other public places with symptoms of the disease, thereby endangering those around them.

Such neglect of health sometimes leads to serious complications, up to disability and death. Therefore, every person, especially during epidemics, must be on the alert and meet the virus in all weapons.

Viruses enter the human body through the upper respiratory system. With strong immune protection, they die in the barrier zones - the nasal mucosa and oropharynx and do not reach the lower parts of the respiratory system. Even if the disease begins, it will proceed in a mild form and will pass in a maximum of a week.

With a weakened immune status, unpleasant symptoms develop. which provoke viruses: runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat, fever, general malaise. They last more than seven days, and in some cases the full recovery period occurs only after a few weeks.

Not so long ago, therapeutic therapy for SARS was carried out in order to relieve symptoms. The modern approach to treatment is aimed at preventing complications by prescribing the necessary antiviral agents that can stop the rapid course of a cold and quickly remove all symptoms of the disease.

When taking antiviral drugs in prophylactic doses a healthy person has an increased chance of not “catching” a respiratory infection in an epidemiologically difficult time.

Enhanced nutrition for colds and gentle nutrition for flu.

Most of us have heard about this, but experts say that not everything is so simple.

Perhaps people think this way because during a fever they lose their appetite. But in fact, you need healthy food to keep your strength. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself.

Listen to your body. Don't force yourself to physical activity, take a rest. How much time you need to take to rest will depend on how you feel. A mild cold should not be an obstacle for you to walk or go to work.

Should I be afraid of a cold?

In the understanding of many people, a cold is a benign condition that is caused by hypothermia, drafts, wet feet, etc. Indeed, about 20% of all “wet” noses have these causes, but it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the disease. Therefore, a generalized name has taken root among the people - a cold, which includes acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and conditions associated with hypothermia.

The remaining 80% of viral infections require antiviral agents, because. antibacterial drugs in this case not helpers. To competently influence the common cold, antiviral drugs are used that can cover a wide range of viral agents.

You should not be afraid of a cold, you need to competently resist it. A good antiviral remedy for a cold can only be picked up by a doctor who knows what virus is currently “walking” around the city.

You can read more about the dangers and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in this article.

What viruses most commonly cause the common cold?

Respiratory infections are caused by the following types of viruses:

To suppress all these microorganisms, the pharmacological market provides antiviral agents, and your doctor will definitely tell you which one is better to choose.

What effective antiviral agents to use for a cold?

Antiviral agents for adults and children differ in their group relation (interferons, etiotropic agents, others) and in their effect on the body. We will not dwell on complex medical terminology in detail, but will immediately move on to acquaintance with antiviral drugs and their brief characteristics.

List of frequently bought (best) antivirals for colds:

Let's consider some of them.


Remantadine is an old proven antiviral agent, inexpensive, suppressing even swine flu strains. The drug is allowed for use in children from one year of age. Most of the reviews about the drug are positive, but there are patients who report a number of side effects: dryness in oral cavity, nausea, dizziness, gastralgia, tachycardia, apathy, nervousness, others.

The drug is prescribed in the first days of the disease. when there are only signs of the disease.

Proven. that Remantadin shows resistance (resistance) to some mutating viruses, then the drug must be replaced with more modern antiviral agents. It is not used for epilepsy, severe liver and kidney diseases.

The price of capsules 100 mg No. 10 ranges from 174 to 300 rubles. Tablets at a dosage of 50 mg No. 20 cost an average of 50 - 150 rubles.

Tamiflu is a drug with high activity against influenza A and B strains. It is used in the first days of illness. Tamiflu can cause the following side effects: diarrhea, headache, nausea, insomnia, hallucinations, depression, anxiety, and others.

Due to the high toxicity of the drug, some international experts consider Tamiflu to be a dangerous drug advertised by the manufacturer.

If you view official instructions to Tamiflu, then, probably, any patient will not finish reading it to the end. There is a lot of data on studies, special instructions, which by itself suggests the idea of ​​the complexity of the drug. One gets the impression that Tamiflu is not well studied, although it is recommended for patients from 12 months of age.

The price of the drug is high, the minimum cost in pharmacies is approximately 1150 rubles per pack (75 mg of oseltamivir No. 10). Therefore, we wrote a material where we reviewed cheap analogues of Tamiflu and instructions for using the drug.

Arbidol is a low-toxic antiviral drug used for influenza, SARS, acute severe respiratory syndrome, immunodeficiencies, as well as complex therapy for bronchopulmonary diseases, rotovirus and herpes infection. The drug is used from the age of three, both for treatment and prevention.

Side effects are associated only with individual intolerance to the drug, which makes it popular and safe to use. In Russia, Arbidol is widely used, it is included in the standard regimens for the treatment of viral infections.

The price of Arbidol averages 220 rubles per capsule 100 mg No. 10, which is quite expensive. We reviewed cheap analogues of Arbidol.

Ingavirin is an antiviral agent used for ARVI, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection, adenoviruses. The drug is prescribed only for the treatment of adult patients. Ingavirin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxic effect, and has established itself as a highly effective immunomodulatory drug for colds of various origins.

The drug is non-toxic and rarely causes allergic reactions.. A number of studies have shown that Russian Ingavirin has a higher antiviral activity than Tamiflu (Switzerland).

The price of capsules 60 mg No. 7 averages 350 rubles.

Ribavirin is a fast-acting antiviral drug used only after 18 years of age. A remedy for respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, influenza, herpes, oncogenic viruses and other diseases caused by rare forms of viruses, for example, smallpox group viruses, is shown.

Ribavirin will be relevant when traveling in Africa and South America, where there is a high probability of catching something "exotic" for health.

The drug has toxicity, is contraindicated in heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe anemia, severe renal and hepatic pathology, autoimmune processes, the patient's suicidal tendencies.

Price in pharmacies for Ribavirin domestic manufacturer 200 mg No. 30 averages 160 rubles.

Amiksin has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It is non-toxic, and at therapeutic doses, it usually has no side effects. At higher dosages, allergic reactions, chills were observed. complaints from the gastrointestinal tract.

The drug is used from the age of seven. main indications: SARS, influenza, herpes, hepatitis of viral origin, cytomegalovirus infection. Amixin is used in complex treatment tuberculosis, urogenital infections and other pathologies.

The price of Amiksin 125 mg No. 10 is 600 rubles and more. We wrote an article about cheap analogues of Amiksin.


Cycloferon is an immunomodulatory agent used in patients from 4 years of age. The drug induces interferon, thereby forcing the immune system to show antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune protection against influenza, SARS, papillomavirus, herpes, and other viruses.

Cycloferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, severe liver disease. There are also relative contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases and allergies in the past.

The price of Cycloferon in tablets 150 mg No. 10 is approximately 165 rubles.

Instructions for use of cycloferon tablets.

Viferon (rectal suppositories) have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. The drug belongs to the group of interferons and is recommended for use from birth.

Indications for use are SARS, herpes and other complications in infectious processes. The usual course of treatment is 5 days. Viferon can be used by pregnant women. The drug is contraindicated only in case of individual intolerance.

Most pediatricians in practice confirm the effectiveness of the drug, so it is often prescribed to children.

The price for a pack of candles 150,000 IU (10 pieces) is about 250 rubles.

In addition to the presented drugs, doctors often recommend other drugs for colds, such as:

  • Grippferon (drops in the nose) - 250 rubles;
  • Amizon - 350 rubles (tablets 250 mg No. 20);
  • Leukocyte interferon (10 ampoules) - 95 rubles;
  • Relenza (powder for inhalation) - about 1000 rubles.

Tips for Treating a Cold

Inexpensive antivirals

In the article, we reviewed the most popular drugs with antiviral action for colds. Based on the information provided, you can make a list of inexpensive drugs:

  • Leukocyte interferon - 95 rubles;
  • Grippferon - 250 rubles. (analogue of Derinat);
  • Cycloferon - 165 rubles;
  • Remantadin - 100 rubles;
  • Viferon - 250 rubles;
  • Anaferon - 220 rubles;
  • Arbidol - 220 rubles;
  • Ribavirin - 160 rubles.

Naturally, the patient faces a dilemma: “Which is better to choose antiviral pills?” You should not select these drugs on your own, and not always cheap products will help replace an expensive drug.

That's why only the doctor decides the question of the appointment of an antiviral drug, its dose and course of administration. In exceptional cases (self-administration), it is recommended to use the drug, following the clearly attached instructions for use.

Related article - antiviral nasal drops - inexpensive but effective.

What immunomodulatory drugs can be used with antiviral agents?

Such medicines include:

  • IRS-19 (nasal spray 20 ml) - 420 rubles;
  • Polyoxidonium (tablets 12 mg No. 10) - 700 rubles;
  • Likopid (tablets 10 mg No. 10) - 1400 rubles;
  • Ribomunil (tablets 0.75 mg No. 4) - 300 rubles;
  • Broncho-munal (capsules 7 mg No. 10) - 470 rubles.

These funds help the body to increase its adaptive properties and strengthen the resistance of cells against viruses and bacteria.

Children's antiviral agents for colds

Parents should not forget that at the first sign of illness, a pediatrician should be called urgently. The main thing is to kill the virus in the child's body in time, when the disease is only at the initial stage of development.

For the treatment of flu and colds in children, the following drugs are suitable:

  • Interferon and fluferon(drops) - used for children of the first year of life (for babies up to 6 months, drip 1 drop into each nasal passage twice a day, from 6 to 12 months, 2 drops three times a day) - the price of these funds is within 250 rubles;
  • Children's Anaferon(tablets No. 20) - approved for use in children from 6 months, the treatment regimen is individual (as prescribed by a doctor) - price 175 rubles;
  • Flu-heel(tablets 50 pieces) - a homeopathic remedy used from birth. The dosage of the drug is individual, depending on age. Price from 400 rubles ;
  • Tamiflu- a toxic antiviral agent that suppresses influenza viruses. Use from 12 months. Price - 1150 rubles;
  • Oxalin ointment(0.25% 10 g) - excellent cheap ointment against influenza and virus, used from the age of two (good to use as a preventive measure) - price 37 rubles;
  • Kagocel(tablets 12 mg No. 10) - prescribed from the age of 6 for the prevention and treatment of influenza and SARS - price 190 rubles. You can get acquainted with cheap analogues of Kagocel.
  • Amiksin ( 60 mg No. 10) is an antiviral drug with an immunomodulating effect. Price500 rubles;
  • Remantadine(50 mg No. 20) is an inexpensive anti-flu remedy used from the age of seven. The price is from 50 to 100 rubles.

Plant-based antiviral and immunomodulatory agents

Among herbal antiviral drugs for influenza and viruses, the following are recommended:

  1. Gossypol is a natural polyphenol from cotton;
  2. Altabor - gray and sticky alder (substance of dry extract);
  3. Oscillococcinum - a preparation from the liver extract of the Barbary duck;
  4. Proteflazid - ground reedgrass grass and soddy pike (liquid extracts);
  5. Flacoside is a drug from the rue family (Laval velvet and Amur).
  6. Helepin - kopeck lispida (liquid extract);
  7. Megosin (ointment) - a product based on cottonseed oil;
  8. Echination (extract) - used in immunodeficiency states;
  9. Alpizarin - the composition includes exotic ingredients: mango leaves, alpine and yellowing kopeck;
  10. Imupret - contains in its composition Walnut(young leaves), horsetail, oak bark (exhaust).

These drugs block the spread of viruses and increase the production of natural interferon in the body.

Folk (natural) antiviral remedies for colds

Don't neglect folk methods treatments, yet they are safer, and sometimes they work no worse than advertised expensive drugs. Based on a huge number of recipes collected over the years, we have identified the most effective and popular remedies among patients.

List of folk remedies for the treatment of colds - 10 best recipes

  • Onion and garlic - among the people, these funds are held in high esteem, they are considered almost a panacea for all infectious diseases Recipe onion juice for a cold;
  • Vodka with pepper - take a pinch of black pepper for 50 grams of vodka, or buy ready-made peppercorns (drink three times a day). The body warms up well, blood circulation improves, and recovery occurs;
  • Homemade chicken broth - perfectly relieves inflammation and improves immunity;
  • Foods with vitamin C – citrus fruits, rose hips, sea buckthorn, cabbage different types(especially sour). These products reduce fever and increase the body's defenses;
  • Teas from viburnum, raspberries, black currants, meadowsweet, ginger, lingonberries, lindens and elderberries;
  • Propolis tincture (recipe) - drink 20 drops, diluting them in 30 ml of water. The course of treatment should be continued for at least 7 days;
  • Honey - 1 teaspoon 4 times a day (it is better to buy honey in combs, and try to chew wax rich in propolis, pollen and other useful substances) More than 20 recipes for the preparation of medicines based on honey;
  • Red wine with tea and raspberry jam - all ingredients are taken in equal parts and placed in a 300 ml cup. Stir well and drink before going to bed;
  • Hot milk with honey - in milk (200 ml) add honey (1 tsp), a pinch of soda and butter (on the tip of a knife). The mixture is thoroughly mixed and drunk before going to bed;
  • Horseradish juice with honey - products are taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Before preparing the mixture, horseradish is ground in a blender and poured with a small amount of water. Insist the gruel for 30 minutes, and then squeeze the juice. The resulting juice is mixed with honey. Drink a tablespoon twice a day.


The article presented various means of antiviral therapy. If it so happened that medical assistance cannot be received on time, then we hope that the information provided will help guide our readers in the treatment of colds.

If the cold is minor, always start with herbal preparations, you should not abandon the "heavy artillery" for mild forms of the disease. But, with the appearance of a sharp malaise and high temperature from the first hours of illness, influenza or another severe viral infection should be suspected.

Eat right, exercise and swim, spend more time in the fresh air, and then a cold will not be terrible. Be healthy!

How to treat a cold - the answer of a professional doctor

Antivirals for colds

Antiviral drugs are a large group of medicines that are used to prevent and treat SARS. They contribute to the inhibition of pathogenic flora in the mucous membranes of the nose, trachea, bronchi and larynx. Antiviral drugs for colds can stop the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and prevent complications such as pneumonia, otitis media, laryngitis, bronchitis, frontal sinusitis, etc.

There are several types of antiviral medicines for colds, which differ in the principle of action and their origin:

  • interferons - drugs that include protein groups (interferons) that inhibit the development of viruses in the cells of the mucous ENT organs;
  • interferon inducers - drugs that stimulate the synthesis of its own interferon in the body. This contributes to a significant increase in the reactivity of the immune system;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors - drugs that prevent the synthesis of the neuraminidase enzyme in viruses, which prevents the release of new pathogens from infected ciliated epithelial cells;
  • phytopreparations - herbal preparations, which include extracts from medicinal herbs. They have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiviral effects;
  • cyclic amines - drugs that contribute to the destruction of the protective shell of pathogens, which leads to their death.

Using antiviral drugs for flu and colds, you can significantly reduce the sensitivity of cells to pathogens.

Many of them contribute to the removal of metabolites from inflamed tissues, which accelerates the process of their epithelization.

Effective pills for ARVI

What antiviral tablets for colds will help to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease? To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of SARS, such as coughing, sneezing, rhinitis and lacrimation, use medications that are active against the following viral pathogens:

  • picornaviruses and reoviruses;
  • adenoviruses and coronaviruses;
  • paramyxoviruses and rhinoviruses.

The most effective antiviral pills for colds will be:

  • Groprinosin is an immunocorrector that promotes the production of cytokines and interferon responsible for the body's resistance to pathogens. Increases the stability of the immune defense against most strains of viruses;
  • "Arpeflu" is an antiviral remedy for colds with a pronounced anti-influenza effect. It has interferon-inducing properties, which helps to strengthen cellular and humoral immunity;
  • "Isoprinosine" is an immunostimulating agent that stimulates the synthesis of T-lymphocytes in the body. It normalizes the ratio of helper cells to suppressors, which helps to block the reproduction of pathogens.

It is advisable to start taking antiviral drugs for a cold when the first symptoms of the disease appear.

This will prevent inflammation in the respiratory organs and the active reproduction of the pathogenic flora inside the mucous membranes.

Homeopathic remedies for SARS

Homeopathic medicines are often used to prevent and treat colds. They activate the immune forces of the body, which contributes to the speedy elimination of the infection. Below is a list of antiviral drugs for colds that can stop the symptoms of the disease, thereby facilitating its course:

Homeopathic remedies can be used to treat colds of almost any etiology. They are aimed not at the destruction of pathogens, but at increasing the reactivity of the immune system. Thus, the process of eliminating ARVI pathogens is accelerated, which contributes to recovery.

Domestic cold medicines

According to experts, inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds stop the symptoms of the disease no worse than expensive drugs. The difference lies only in their "origin".

Domestic medicines are cheaper, but this does not affect their therapeutic properties.

To eliminate pathogenic viruses, you can use:

  • "Arbidol" - antiviral tablets, active against most ARVI pathogens. They have anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects. Reduce intoxication of the body, which allows you to quickly stop the symptoms of the disease;
  • "Ingavirin" is an effective antiviral drug for colds, which has antiphlogistic properties. Helps to eliminate fever and inflammation in the respiratory system;
  • "Amiksin" is a stimulator of interferon synthesis, which helps to increase immunity. Prevents the development of complications and can be used in conjunction with antibiotic therapy.
  • As practice shows, domestic antiviral drugs for colds quickly eliminate the activity of the pathogenic flora. But unlike imported medicines, they are much cheaper.

Herbs with antiviral action

For the treatment of children, phytotherapeutists recommend using not synthetic drugs, but natural herbs that have an antiviral effect. They stimulate the production of macrophages, lymphocytes, immune proteins and helpers that destroy pathogens. Some of the best antiviral herbs for colds include:

  • echinacea - a medicinal herb that increases the reactivity of the immune system and relieves the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections: sore throat, rhinitis, cough;
  • lemon balm - accelerates the process of regeneration of inflamed tissues and contributes to their detoxification;
  • Canadian goldenseal - inhibits the activity of pathogens, which is possible by reducing vascular permeability.
  • astragalus - relieves puffiness and removes free radicals from the body, which stimulates cellular immunity.

Antiviral remedies for colds based on medicinal herbs are used in the form of teas, infusions and decoctions. They rarely cause an allergic reaction, so they can be used in pediatric therapy, but on the recommendation of a specialist.

Overview of the best cold remedies

According to immunologists, the best antiviral agents for colds should have a complex or etiotropic effect. Only in this case it will be possible not only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also to destroy viral pathogens, the further development of which provokes serious complications. What antiviral agents for colds are more appropriate to use?

  • "Remantadine" is a strong antiviral chemotherapy drug that inhibits the replication of pathogens in the early stages of the development of the disease. Active against arboviruses and pathogens of influenza B;
  • "Immust" is a broad-spectrum drug that has immunocorrective properties. The active components of the product quickly eliminate rotavirus and herpesvirus infections;
  • Lavomax is an immunostimulant that promotes the induction of interferon in the body. Stimulates an increase in the number of T-lymphocytes and neutrophils that are active against ARVI pathogens.

Good antiviral drugs for colds contribute to the etiotropic and symptomatic treatment of the disease.

They eliminate not only pathogens, but also “illiquid assets” that worsen one’s well-being: toxins, virus metabolites, toxins, etc. To the number effective drugs include "Amiksin", "Groprinosin", "Aflubin" and "Ingavirin".

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Modern medicine impresses with its possibilities: organ transplants, highly functional prosthetics, any kind of cosmetic surgery - this and much more is being successfully practiced and is becoming more and more accessible. However, with all this, some diseases that have long become ordinary, familiar and practically insignificant for most citizens, medicine still cannot completely win: outbreaks of influenza, SARS and other viral diseases are observed everywhere every year.

Treatment of such, subject to timely seeking medical help, does not cause much difficulty and does not take much time - I drank a course of antiviral drugs and forgot. It is about such drugs that will be discussed in today's publication. After reviewing the information below, you will receive extensive information about popular and effective antiviral drugs for influenza and SARS.

Important! Any drug names are given strictly for reference. The article intentionally does not indicate either the dosage or the duration of the courses of treatment. Firstly, this information must be agreed with the doctor, and secondly, it must be specified in the instructions for the agent used. Similar recommendations remain with regard to contraindications and possible adverse reactions - carefully study the relevant sections of the instructions and discuss these points with your doctor.

Most citizens are not serious and to a certain extent frivolous about SARS, influenza and other similar diseases: I drank tea with honey or raspberries, lay down at home for a couple of days and everything seemed to pass. Along with this, the situation may not turn out the way we would like. First, an infected patient poses a danger to the people around him. Secondly, viral diseases left unattended can lead to complications in the form of sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis or even pneumonia. The timely intake of appropriate medicines minimizes the risk of the above complications and allows you to “get back on your feet” faster.

Especially attentive should be parents whose children are ill with SARS or influenza. In young patients, the studied diseases almost always lead to complications in the form of ENT diseases, suppression of immune functions, allergies, or even disorders of psychophysical development.

Antivirals available today can be classified into several main categories.

  1. Immunostimulants. They contribute to a short-term strengthening of immunity, followed by the production of interferon and the speedy victory over the disease.
  2. Stimulant Serums. Used mainly before infection as a prophylactic. By means of an injection, antibodies are introduced into the patient's body, which contribute to the inhibition of activity and the prevention of the reproduction of the virus. Can be made both on an artificial, and on a natural basis.
  3. Broad-spectrum antiviral drugs. Used more often than others. They are characterized by high efficiency, ubiquitous availability and ease of use.

It is recommended to start taking antiviral drugs as soon as possible after detecting signs of illness. You should first consult with your doctor to eliminate the risk of adverse reactions and extract maximum effectiveness.

Specific drugs are selected based on the severity of the disease. So, at mild stages, they are usually limited to interferons, at more severe stages - by “full-fledged” antiviral drugs.

The most popular antiviral drugs

The group of antiviral drugs includes many drugs intended for the prevention and control of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza and various respiratory viral diseases. We classify existing drugs into several groups and present information in the form of a table indicating specific names of drugs.

Table. Classification of antiviral drugs

Groups of medicinesDescription

Their task is to suppress the ability of viruses to reproduce. Basically, such drugs are made on the basis of oselmativir and zanamavir. Examples include drugs called Tamiflu and Relenza.

Means of this group prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the structure of cells. They are made on the basis of amantadine and rimantadine. As an example of pharmaceutical preparations, Midantan and Remantadin can be cited.

Recent studies show that most common strains of influenza are able to adapt to the effects of amantadine, making the latter ineffective. In addition, the previously mentioned M-2 inhibitors give good results only in the initial stages of the disease. For this reason, the use of amantadine is often abandoned, giving preference to oseltamavir and zanamavir. Taking medicines based on them makes sense only during the first 2-3 days after the first signs of the disease are detected.

They help get rid of viruses and increase the protective functions of the body (strengthen the immune system).

Interferon is produced by the human body when the latter is affected by infections and viruses. If there is enough protein, the body defeats the disease on its own. If not, you have to take drugs to stimulate protective functions.

Artificial interferon is prescribed only in extreme cases, because. has a tendency to cause a variety of adverse reactions. This group of drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor and under his strict control.

Important note! Antiviral drugs can lead to stool disorders, vomiting and other similar phenomena. To minimize the likelihood of such, give up uncontrolled self-medication and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Popular medicines for adult patients

Most pharmaceutical antiviral drugs are made on an artificial basis. The choice of a particular remedy is determined by the type of viral disease. As a rule, when the first signs of the disease appear, drugs called Amantadine and Rimantadine are used - mentioned earlier. If the type of influenza is unknown, all people living with the patient are treated.

To combat influenza A and B, neuraminidase inhibitors are traditionally used to inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Popular representatives of the group are Ribarin and Groprinozin.

If the virus has affected the respiratory tract, drugs such as Tebrofen, Florenal, as well as Pleconaril, Oksolin, etc. will help normalize the situation.

For more information on popular and effective antivirals, see the following table.

Table. Medicines for SARS and influenza

List of drugsDescription

Effective in the fight against influenza A and B. Helps to strengthen the natural protective functions by activating the production of interferon. Additionally, it has an antioxidant effect on the body.

Effective in the fight against rhino- and adenoviruses, influenza, as well as parainfluenza and bronchitis. Has a number of contraindications. Accepted for medical purposes.

A drug from the group of immunomodulators. Designed for the treatment of influenza and SARS. Contraindicated in patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia and a number of other disorders of cardiovascular function.

Activates the production of interferon. It is characterized by antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. To obtain positive results, the medicine should be used within the first 3-4 days after the symptoms of the disease are detected. May cause allergies.

The drug with immunostimulating and antiviral action. Promotes activation of interferon synthesis. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating patients.

Antiviral drugs for children

Antiviral medicines can be given to children strictly as directed by a doctor. Otherwise, you can provoke a number of side effects and, instead of recovery, cause invaluable damage to the baby's body.

Let's take a look at some of the most commonly used drugs.

  1. . Suitable for children of any age. Produced in the form of candles. It has a different dosage - it is selected taking into account the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.

  2. Interferon. Available in powder form. Suitable even for babies. Powders are diluted with water. The resulting solution is dripped into the nose, taking into account the provisions of the manufacturer's instructions and the doctor's recommendations.

  3. Immunomodulators.

As for immunomodulators, as noted, they contribute to the restoration of immunity and increase the body's resistance to a variety of adverse effects. As a rule, they are prescribed for children older than 6-7 years of age, however, there are drugs that are safe for younger patients. Usually these are plant-based products (echinacea, ginseng, etc.). For ease of use, they are available in syrup format.

Sometimes they resort to the use of synthetic tablets, for example, arbidol and imudon.

Otherwise, follow your doctor's instructions. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide variety of tablets, syrups, powders and suppositories for young patients, but the uncontrolled self-prescription of such by a parent who does not have the appropriate qualifications, knowledge and experience can do more harm than good.

Plant based antivirals

Information about healing properties various plants for hundreds of years were collected by many generations of our ancestors. Today, this knowledge is used by the pharmaceutical industry to make antiviral and other herbal medicines. They are less powerful compared to their synthetic counterparts, but safer - side effects can occur only if there is an individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Examples of herbal antivirals include the following:

The above funds are used both in the fight against SARS and influenza, as well as a number of other infectious and inflammatory diseases. Although herbal preparations are practically harmless, it is still strongly recommended to consult a doctor before taking them - this will avoid unpleasant consequences and get the maximum beneficial effect from the treatment.

German-made antiviral and immunomodulating agents should be included in a separate group - these are among the best today. An example is the drug Imupret - it is made using extracts from walnut leaves and oak bark.

Now you know which drugs are used to fight the flu and SARS and you can choose them as responsibly as possible.

Remember the need and importance of following medical recommendations and be healthy! study the link.

Video - Effective antiviral drugs for influenza and SARS

The flu and the common cold are not the same disease. In the first case, we are talking about a viral infection, which, having penetrated into the body, began to progress rapidly. Among the main symptoms of the flu, doctors distinguish:

  • high body temperature;
  • muscle and headaches.

A cold is always caused by a general hypothermia of the body, due to which it becomes unable to resist respiratory viruses. It progresses not as fast as the flu - at first the patient has a runny nose, a sore throat begins. And only later can the body temperature rise, cough join.

A sick child should be seen by a doctor

If you can do with a cold bed rest, drinking plenty of water and taking drugs aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms, then with the flu it is important to use antiviral agents.

What are the best cold remedies for kids?

If a child with a cold has a temperature above 38.5 ° C, he must be given an antipyretic. Suitable:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Motrin;
  • Viburkol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibufen.

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) should never be given to children. It is only allowed to be taken by patients over the age of 16. This cold medicine can cause Reine's syndrome in babies, a disorder in which the blood supply to certain parts of the body is reduced. It can lead to severe damage to the liver and brain.

Helping a child with a sore throat

For sore throats, the child will be helped by Geksoral, Ingalipt, Oracept, Iodinol solution.

If the patient knows how to gargle, a decoction of chamomile, a weak solution of Rotokan or Chlorophyllipt should be prepared for him.

General strengthening of immunity

To improve the functioning of the immune system (which is a guarantee get well soon crumbs), you need to use antiviral agents and interferon inducers, for example:
  • candles Viferon (can be used even for diseases of newborns);
  • Cycloferon (for children over 4 years old);
  • Remantadine (indicated in patients over the age of 7 years);
  • Laferon (allowable for the treatment of newborns), etc.

Suppositories Viferon

Perfectly stimulates the immune system such a herbal remedy for colds, like Immunal. In the form of a solution, it is prescribed to children from one year old, in the form of tablets - starting from 4 years old.

Treatment of a runny nose with a cold

If the child's nose is stuffed up, the baby cannot sleep peacefully at night, parents should consult a pediatrician about the appointment of nasal vasoconstrictor drops:

  • Nazivina (can be used if the child is 1 month old);
  • Tizina (from 3 years old);
  • Pinosola (from 3 years old);
  • Galazolina (from 6 years old);
  • Xilina (from 2 years old) or other

It is not worth using children's vasoconstrictor drops and sprays without urgent need. The maximum course duration should not exceed 5-7 days.

Cough medicines

With a wet cough, the pediatrician can prescribe Mukaltin, syrup with licorice root, marshmallow, Bromhexine, ACC, Lazolvan to a small cold patient. If a child suffers from bouts of dry cough, he is shown Pertussin, Libeksin.

Well proven chest herbal collection. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. But experts do not advise children under the age of three to be treated with herbs because of the high risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Why are antihistamines prescribed for a cold?

Pediatricians often prescribe antihistamine tablets for cold children, for example, Suprastin, Loratadin, Parlazin, Zodak. As you know, you need to take them for allergies. What does this group of drugs have to do with the common cold?

Allergy pills are often prescribed for colds

Everything is simple. Firstly, they provide prevention of an allergic reaction in a child, which is very important. Secondly, they relieve swelling in the upper respiratory tract, which speeds up recovery.

Antibiotics for colds - necessary or not?

Since the common cold is a viral disease, its treatment does not imply the mandatory use of antibiotics. But still, doctors sometimes prescribe antibacterial agents for such a diagnosis. Why?

Antibiotics are necessary if, against the background of a cold, a complication has developed in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media. For the purpose of prevention, they should not be given to a cold child in any case, as this will negatively affect the functioning of his immune system, and can provoke the occurrence of candidiasis, dysbacteriosis.

Flu medicines for children

Conventionally, flu medicines for children can be classified into several groups:

  • ion channel blockers;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors;
  • specific GA chaperone;
  • NP inhibitors.

Also excellent for influenza are agents containing interferon (Viferon, Interferon, Grippferon, Kipferon) and stimulating its production (Amiksin, Kagocel, Tsitovir 3, Cycloferon).

Ion channel blockers

Flu preparations for children belonging to this group do not allow viruses to attach to cells. Due to this, infection does not occur at all if the medicine was used for the purpose of prevention, or recovery occurs much faster.

Children over 7 years old can take Remantadine for influenza, an antiviral medicine, as a result of which the number of active viruses that have entered the body begins to rapidly decrease.

You need to give your child an antiviral according to the scheme indicated by the doctor.

Also, ion channel blockers include Orvirem syrup, designed for small patients older than 1 year. For the remedy to work as quickly as possible, its first dose should be taken no later than 6 hours after the onset of symptoms of the disease.

Neuraminidase inhibitors

Inhibitors of neuraminidase - an enzyme that can integrate into the shell of the virus - are Relenza, Tamiflu. These antiviral agents for the treatment of influenza types A and B in children effectively suppress the spread of infectious agents.

The active ingredient in Relenz is zanamivir. Children over the age of 5 years can use the medicine. But if there is a history of bronchospasm, it is impossible to do inhalations with this solution.

Tamiflu contains oseltamivir phosphate. It is allowed to take children older than 1 year. As a result of its use, the growth of viruses slows down, their spread through the mucous membranes is blocked.

Arbidol is an effective antiviral

Specific HA chaperone

This category includes the remedy for influenza in children Arbidol. Its active substance takes part in the work of the immune system, qualitatively protects the body from negative viral influences.

Arbidol is indicated for children over 3 years old.

NP-protein inhibitors

Ingavirin is considered a high-quality NP-protein inhibitor. It is active against influenza viruses A and B, adenovirus and respiratory syncytial infections, parainfluenza.

Due to the intake of an NP-protein inhibitor into the body of a sick child, the reproduction of infectious agents stops at the nuclear stage. This means that the newly synthesized NP agents are unable to penetrate into the cell nucleus from the cytoplasm.

In addition, Ingavirin increases the amount of interferons, has a pronounced antiviral effect. In the instructions for medicine It states that only people over the age of 18 can take it. Sometimes doctors make an exception and prescribe this medicine to children, but parents should not do this on their own.

Drugs that enhance the production of interferon

For increased production of interferons - proteins that are produced by the body in response to the invasion of the virus - drugs are responsible:

  • Amiksin. Refers to broad-spectrum influenza drugs. Contains tilorone. It is indicated for sick children over the age of 7 years.
  • Kagocel. For medicinal purposes, children from 3 to 6 years old take it 1 tablet 2 times a day during the first two days of illness, and then reduce the dose by 2 times. If the patient is already 6 years old, the pediatrician will prescribe a different dose - 1 tablet 3 times a day for the first two days of treatment, and then 1-2 tablets.
  • Tsitovir 3. Can be given to children older than 1 year. But the syrup is contraindicated if the baby has high muscle tone, diabetes, increased blood clotting.
  • Cycloferon. Approved for use by children over 4 years of age. The child should take the medicine once a day.

Additional remedies for the treatment of influenza

Although antiviral drugs are considered the mainstay of influenza therapy, we must not forget the importance of symptomatic therapy. So, if a child has a high body temperature (which is usually observed with such a diagnosis), he needs to be given an antipyretic. The dosage is important to calculate taking into account the weight of the crumbs.

Runny nose, sore throat and cough should also not be ignored. The same drugs that were listed in the section of this article "What cold remedies are best for children" can be used here.

Immunomodulators for flu and colds

If a cold or flu has dragged on, the pediatrician may decide to prescribe an immunomodulator. But ideally, drugs of this group should be taken for the purpose of prevention (so as not to get sick) or when the disease has already receded (to raise immunity).
Well proven:

  • IRS 19. Drug based on bacterial lysates. Qualitatively increases nonspecific and specific immunity. Spray it on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. IRS 19 is safe and suitable even for the treatment of babies from the age of 3 months.
  • Imudon. An immunostimulant widely used in ENT practice. Recommended for children over 3 years old who often suffer from tonsillitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis.
  • Broncho-munal. Designed to increase immunity in children older than 6 months, prone to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Immunal. The main active ingredient of the drug is the herb Echinacea purpurea.

It must be understood that only an immunologist can prescribe an immunomodulator to a child, taking into account the individual characteristics of the orgasm of a small patient, his tendency to certain diseases, and the presence of allergic reactions to certain substances.