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The most intelligent women of the zodiac signs. Sociologists have learned who Russians consider the smartest and most beautiful women Smart women of the planet

female beauty- the concept is very subjective and, of course, it changes depending on time.

For example, once Cleopatra was considered one of the most beautiful women of her time, and modern men believe that she is far from the standard of female attractiveness. But modern girls would definitely not have liked men from antiquity, who considered thinness a sign of a diseased organism.

The editors of The Only One have collected for you the 6 most beautiful women of their time to show how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfemale beauty has changed.


Cleopatra drove thousands of men crazy of her time, and her beauty is still legendary. In addition, she knew how to present herself and was very fond of sex.

The main beauty secret of the Egyptian queen was daily donkey milk baths. And her love for her state and devotion to her people are worthy of respect.

Ninon de Lanclos

Ninon de Lanclos was born in 1620. She was the most popular courtesan in France, who not only knew what men needed, but was also very educated, intelligent and always wanted to be independent.

In addition, she had incredible beauty. During the night with her, the men were ready to part with any money, and if there was no money, they left Ninon family jewels. Thanks to her example (after all, in those days, women could not even go to libraries), many girls thought that they wanted to be educated.

Ann Bolein

Anne Boleyn was not only considered one of the most beautiful women of her time, but also really influenced the course of history.

After the King of England Henry the Eighth saw her, he sent Anna letters, gifts and offers to become his mistress. But Anna did not agree to this role - she wanted to be his wife.

As a result, the girl achieved her goal, and in order to divorce his first wife, Henry had to change the religion of the entire state. And after the marriage, Anna was active in politics and fought for the rights of women.

Veronica Franco

Veronica Franco is a famous Venetian courtesan and Renaissance poet. She was rich, educated and talented, and also associated with famous politicians, poets and artists.

It is worth noting that in Venice, women did not have access to education, and it was the courtesans who were the most educated of the fair sex. Veronica was seriously fond of literature and wrote beautiful poems.

Mata Hari

Mata Hari (real name - Margareta Gertrud Zelle) is a well-known oriental dancer in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. When the girl was 18, she married Captain Rudolph McLeod. The family moved to the island of Java.

Family life turned out to be hell and Margareta tried to take her mind off it by learning Indonesian dances. As a result, the couple divorced and, left without money, family and support, the girl went to Paris and began a dancing career. She proved that every girl should be able to support herself and not depend on a man.

In addition, Mata Hari was a German spy.

Liane de Pugy

Liane de Pougy was the most famous and coveted French courtesan of the last decades of the 19th century. She was so liberated and firmly believed that a woman can enjoy sex (and life in general) that she excited the minds of not only men, but also women.

Interesting: at the beginning of the 20th century, no one thought about the female orgasm.

It is also interesting that Liana was a supporter of the naturalness of women: she wore comfortable clothes, used a minimum of makeup and did not like pathos.

Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Indira Gandhi, Elena the Beautiful, Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth II, Mother Teresa, Coco Chanel, Princess Diana, Marilyn Monroe - 10 greatest women who managed to change the world. Everyone knows these big names. Legends are made about them, films are made and books are written. Thanks to her talents, beauty, strong spirit and courage, they managed to break the generally accepted stereotypes, challenge men. These women were admired, feared, envied. For them there were no barriers, boundaries or prohibitions. The men next to them looked like the weaker sex, and the envious bit their lips in annoyance. Smart, beautiful, brave - becoming role models forever.

Passions around this legendary last queen of Egypt - Cleopatra VII Philopatra, who has become one of the most spectacular figures in history, have not subsided for more than two thousand years. she had an amazing ability to charm people. Finally, after a series of weak-willed, unfortunate kings, a strong significant figure appeared on the throne of Egypt.

Video about the greatest women

Unfortunately, Cleopatra reigned when the former power of Egypt faded. On the world stage, the main role was played by Rome, which subordinated more and more states to its power. Egypt met the same fate. However, despite this, Cleopatra, like an obsessed woman, fought for the independence and freedom of her state, using every opportunity.

Elena the beautiful
The legendary courtesan of antiquity, the wife of Atris Menelaus. The beauty of this woman was legendary. For the sake of possessing this most beautiful beauty, a real war broke out that destroyed ancient Troy. Elena at a too young age became, which greatly affected her psyche and affected her fate.

Joan of Arc

Joan of Arc can be safely called one of the most significant personalities (1337-1453). Being one of the commanders-in-chief of the French troops, she became a national heroine of France. The image of the "Maid of Orleans", according to French researchers, was a strong psychological weapon for France in the war with England.

Indira Gandhi

Indira Gandhi entered the history of the Indian state not only as the first woman who headed the government for several years. Being an energetic and intelligent politician, she greatly contributed to strengthening the international prestige of her state, which became one of the leading representatives of the Non-Aligned Movement, united by the idea of ​​non-participation in military blocs. To this day, Indira Gandhi is spoken of with respect in her homeland.

Elizabeth II

Some wars ended, others began, prime ministers changed, new countries appeared on the world map. And only the British monarchy and the queen remained unshakable .... Elizabeth II is considered by age to be the oldest English monarch. It occupies the second place in the world in terms of the length of stay in the role of head of state. Also the second longest tenure on the British throne.

The greatest female politician ever. No wonder she was called The Iron Lady". This is the first and only representative of the weaker sex to become the prime minister in the state of Europe. Over the 11 years of the rule of this smartest politician, the UK economy has reached a record growth - it has grown three times compared to the last decade and showed the highest rates compared to other countries in the world, except Japan. Thatcher managed to carry out serious political reforms and modernization of the economy in the country.

A pious woman from Calcutta (in the world called Agnes Gonja Boyakshu). Mercy of Mother Teresa has become the talk of the town. Its scale is truly impressive. Endless kindness and great enthusiasm helped her to start an international charity from literally nothing. The Congregation of Mercy today has more than 300 thousand members worldwide - it is a global network of shelters, orphanages, leper colonies, hospitals. For example, in Kolkata in the rehabilitation center for lepers at the same time more than 10 thousand people are being treated or trained in various home-based work.

Lady Diana Frances Spencer, Princess of Wales. It is impossible to deprive this legendary princess of the love of the people!

Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel is a fashion designer from France who made a real revolution in the fashion world of the 20th century. It is to her that we owe the appearance of short women's haircuts, the famous little black dress, plaid trousers, etc. The most famous perfume in the world, Chanel No. 5, recognized as a real work of art, also appeared thanks to the legendary Madame Coco.

Marilyn Monroe
The greatest American actress who has become a real sex symbol. Marilyn Monroe was rightfully recognized as the most beautiful woman of all time. And although more than 30 years have passed since the day of her death, the memory of her talent and beauty is still alive and will be eternal.

Why do we think that the concept of the smartest woman in the world is something unrealizable, causing a smile of indulgence among the stronger sex? In general, the ladies themselves are to blame for the fact that the world stereotype is a woman in the kitchen, hung with crying children. Yes, the family is the vocation of women. But not only. Today there is no such industry where the lady would not show herself. Yes, many ladies, with a complete lack of logic and common sense, do not know how to handle money well, they speak before they think, fall into hysterics and annoy with their importunity. But there are real gems among them that make everyone else think about whether it is worth opening a book instead of a "tablet"? These ladies are not only smart, but God did not deprive them of their beauty.

Meanwhile, today the intellectual level of ladies, in comparison with 1980, is almost equal to that of men. And before, there were about 13 men of the same intelligence level for one smart woman.

Marilyn Vos Savant has an unprecedented IQ of 228

American Marilyn Vos Savant is considered the smartest woman in the world. Her intelligence level of 228 units, recorded in 1956, has not yet been beaten by anyone. The girl was 10 years old.

A few years later, as an adult, Marilyn took a similar test, and he showed a result of 224 units. This IQ is the envy of many.

Where is this smart guy from? On the paternal side, Marilyn is a descendant of the Austrian philosopher and notorious physicist Ernst Mach. In the city of St. Louis, the girl entered the University of Washington, but did not finish her studies, she stopped it to help her family. Her father told her that she could get a profession at a university, but no one would help her to hone her intellect.

Marilyn's husband is scientist Robert Jarvik with an IQ of 180. Marilyn's adult son has an IQ of 164. The family lives in New York.

According to Marilyn, 50% of the intellectual potential is inherited. Thanks to proper nutrition, IQ level can be increased by about 20%.

The smartest woman in the world believes that the mind is the ability to search for truth, regardless of external factors. Smart is the one who does not give in to clichés, drawing his own conclusions and conclusions. Only courageous and emotionally stable people can be smart. Her objectivity and a cold, sober look at things and events formed an opinion about her as the smartest woman in the world, modernity and the entire history of mankind. Marilyn believes that only two sciences are directly related to intelligence - nuclear physics and mathematics. The rest are products of emotions.

Sofia Kovalevskaya

She became the world's first female mathematics professor. This great Russian woman with a remarkable intellect was also a doctor of philosophy and a writer. AT Russian Empire women were forbidden to receive higher education, and Sophia, without hesitation, entered into a fictitious marriage to study in Göttingen.

Hypatia of Alexandria

The most intelligent woman in the world of antiquity, the daughter of Theon of Alexandria, manager of the Library of Alexandria. She was a teacher of philosophy and surpassed her contemporaries in intelligence. She signed up for training. Hypatia's writings have not been preserved, but it is known that she invented the astrolabe, an ancient computer.

List of smart girls and beauties

  • The Egyptian Cleopatra the Alchemist lived at the same time as Hypatia, is considered the founder of alchemy and, perhaps (there are opinions), even managed to get the philosopher's stone.
  • The Polish clever and beautiful Maria Kunits is a great astronomer who lived in the 17th century. She easily communicated in several foreign languages, made horoscopes, played various musical instruments. One of the craters of the planet Venus is named after her, and this lady is also involved in solving the Kepler problem.

  • The list of the most beautiful, intelligent women in world history is continued by the British Ada Lovelace, the daughter of the well-known poet Byron. They say that nature rests on the children of geniuses, but not in this case. Ada was a brilliant mathematician. She laid the foundations of programming, one of whose languages ​​is called Ada.
  • Maria Montessori is a famous Italian teacher who has dedicated her life to working with special children.

  • A woman is the most intelligent creature in the world, and the Polish Maria Sklodowska-Curie - direct to proof. She is the only person in the world who has received the Nobel Prize twice - in physics and in chemistry. She owns the discovery of radium, which later gave rise to research oncology, space exploration, as well as in nuclear development.
  • Physicist Maria Goeppert-Mayer - this lady is a Nobel Prize winner in nuclear physics.
  • Daniela Simidcheva - electrical engineer. This Bulgarian has five master's degrees, her IQ is about 200 units. No company hired her - one of the smartest women in the world scares off employers with her intellect. This is how a talented woman and smart woman lives on unemployment benefits ... Is it fair?

Only a narrow-minded person can believe that the average man is a priori smarter than any woman. Both Russian and foreign history are known for many smart, ambitious and successful ladies. Is there women with exceptional high level intellect, which, perhaps, the late Stephen Hawking would have envied (his IQ was estimated at 160 points).

Here are the top 10 smartest women ever born.

10. Olivia Manning (IQ 162)

At the age of 12, when many kids love to play with friends and hate doing homework, Olivia Manning from Liverpool took the Mensa IQ Supervised test and scored over 160. Even celebrities like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking scored 160 each on an IQ test. Thanks to her genius mind, Olivia is one of the smartest girls in the world.

9. Fabiola Mann (IQ 162)

Born in Goa and now living in England, this 21-year-old young woman scored 162 on the Mensa IQ Supervised test. Not much is known about Mann's life other than that she loves to play chess, plays the guitar, took up karate, and has always wanted to study and work in the medical field. Like the rest of the participants in our selection, Fabiola is included in the 1% of the smartest people in the world.

8. Judit Polgar (IQ 170)

Considered the best chess player in the world. When Judit was only 15 years old, she received the title of grandmaster, surpassing the achievement of Robert Fischer by a month. Also, her name is included in the list of the best players according to FIDE.

Judit has played against many famous chess masters including Viswanathan Anand, Alexei Shirov and Garry Kasparov. She is the only female chess player to have the unofficial but very prestigious title of "super grandmaster".

7. Ruth Lawrence (IQ 175)

British female mathematician and mathematics professor working in knot theory and algebraic topology. In her youth, she was known as a child prodigy, and subsequently became one of the most intelligent women in the world. At the age of 10, Ruth easily passed the entrance exams at Oxford and became the youngest girl in modern history who successfully graduated from Oxford.

6 Grace Hopper (IQ 175)

Renowned American scientist and commodore of the US Navy. It was she who developed the first working compiler for a computer programming language and contributed to the development of the concept of machine-independent programming languages.

When Grace was 34 years old, she enlisted in the US Navy Reserve, and then worked with the first programmable under Howard Aiken and participated in the development of the Mark II and UNIVAC I.

During her academic career, Hopper has received 40 honorary degrees from many universities around the world. She became the first woman to receive an "Outstanding Membership" of the British Computer Society.

Thanks to the huge achievements in science and high military rank, this woman received the nickname "Amazing Grace". She died in 1992 at the age of 85.

5. Anne-Louise Germaine de Stael (IQ 180-185)

The Frenchwoman, also known as Madame de Stael, was born in Paris in 1766 to the finance minister, Jacques Necker. In adulthood, she became widely known as a writer, literary theorist, and political activist. Her book "On Germany" influenced the worldview of many French people in the 19th century.

Germain was the main opponent and critic of Napoleon, who expelled her from the country and forbade her to return. In 1812, Madame de Stael visited Russia, where she was received with great warmth. The well-known artist V. Borovikovsky painted a portrait of Germaine, and the poet K. Batyushkov expressed his opinion about the French writer as follows: "... Bad as hell and smart as an angel."

Now it is impossible to know exactly how smart Germaine de Stael was. Personality researchers of the famous writer suggest that her IQ is from 180 to 185.

4. Marie Curie (IQ 185)

If you arrange a poll on the topic "who is the smartest woman in the world?" then most educated people would probably call Marie Curie. This woman is one of the most iconic and influential figures in history. She is known for her research in the field of radioactivity. Maria and her husband Pierre Curie discovered the elements polonium and radium.

She got two Nobel Prizes one in physics in 1903 and another in chemistry in 1911.

Marie Curie is still the most popular female scientist in the world.

3. Hypatia of Alexandria (IQ 190)

The daughter of the mathematician Theon of Alexandria was a prominent philosopher, astronomer and mathematician in Egypt and later the Eastern Roman Empire. Hypatia is credited with inventing many scientific instruments such as the astrolabe and the hydrometer. She was a commentator, co-author and author of various treatises, and it is to this woman that science owes the appearance of such concepts as the ellipse, hyperbola and parabola. Contemporaries compared her with Athena in sharpness of mind, with Aphrodite in beauty and with Hero in posture.

Hypatia of Alexandria is known as one of the greatest minds of her time. Researchers estimate her IQ at 190.

2. Marilyn vos Savant (IQ 190)

The name of this American writer and journalist is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the woman with the highest IQ.

In the popular Parade magazine, she has a special "Ask Marilyn" section, where she answers important questions for readers and solves various difficult puzzles (such as the Monty Hall paradox).

1. Edith Stern (IQ 200)

The rating of the most brilliant women on Earth is headed by the “ideal human being”, as her father Aaron Stern once called a newborn girl. Already at the age of 12, Edith entered college at the University of Michigan, and at the age of 15 she taught students of trigonometry.

Edith has over 128 US patents in her name. According to various tests, her IQ is about 200 points. However, the childhood of this woman cannot be called joyful. For the sake of developing the daughter's intellect, her father forbade her to play with her peers and engage in simple childish pranks. All her leisure time was filled with reading books and discussing what she read with her parent. When Edith was 7 years old, her brother David was born. He was brought up as an ordinary child, and when asked if he wanted to become a child prodigy, like a sister, the boy confidently answered “no”.

Edith must be 66 now. Nothing is known about her current life.

Ladies love to compete not only in beauty and charm. It is important for them to be even smarter than their rivals. Astrologers identify five smart female zodiac signs.

Even if you are not on the list, this does not mean that you have no chance of earning the title of a smart woman. The mind is not only erudition, but also wisdom, because it is important to be able to look at your life mistakes under right angle, benefiting even from failures. Stupidity is repeating your mistakes and exaggerating your achievements.

Aries Woman

A woman born under this Sign is always one step ahead of her competitors. These representatives of the fair sex take their strength of mind. They are smart enough not to give up just like that. Their leadership qualities are an indicator of a special mind. Aries are resistant to stress, to overwork.

Another indicator of the mind of Aries women is their unique thinking, completely devoid of stereotypes. This is what makes them smart, first of all, in the eyes of men who adore originality of views. These ladies may be devoid of erudition and wisdom, but the uniqueness of their thinking will never let them down.

Leo Woman

Female lions are smart because they are experienced. Absolutely every life lesson they take into service. If these women or girls have close friends, then they absorb their mistakes like a sponge. Lions also have pronounced leadership qualities, which make them seem even smarter.

"Lionesses" are very good at making contact with other women and men. They are characterized by some male character traits, which makes them smarter in the eyes of the stronger sex. Leo women love to be in the company of men, and if they don’t, then at least they know how to behave and how not to be boring.

Capricorn Woman

Girls and women born under the Sign of Capricorn are extremely well-read and intellectually developed. Their undisguised and obvious craving for knowledge is visible from afar. They may not be too wise in life due to an extremely narrow circle of friends, but sometimes their level of thinking just goes off scale.

Calmness and self-control are two character traits that can best describe ladies born under this Sign. Loud and annoying people always give the impression of narrow-minded personalities. Capricorn women are the direct opposite of male stereotypes about a free and self-sufficient woman.

Aquarius Woman

Aquarius women are smart and have a great sense of humor, which helps them gather the brightest people around them. Aquarians of the fair sex are very inventive and erudite. They like to expand their knowledge base, so you rarely meet a stupid lady of this Zodiac Sign.

They are also very creative. What makes them unique is not the genius of ideas, but the speed of their generation. Women born under this sign can demonstrate excellent memory, curiosity. As for men, Aquarians find a common language with them, perhaps the fastest.

Scorpio woman

Women of this Sign have an incredibly strong sixth sense, which helps them almost always break out into intellectual leaders. These ladies always try to think first and then do something, so they are ranked among the smartest women. There is almost no impulsiveness in them, just like the desire to let things take their course. Scorpios always finish what they start.

Scorpios are not after quantity, but after quality. This applies to business as well as love. Men respect Scorpio women because they see them as faithful life partners who understand the importance of pure relationships. Another plus in the piggy bank of women of this Sign is diplomacy. Scorpios, like no one else, know how to take revenge beautifully, which also creates an aura of high intelligence and endurance around them.

To increase self-confidence, every lady should not just think that she is the smartest, but try to achieve this by any means. Intelligent and wise people have always had a special charisma and charm. It is impossible to find your place in life if you think stereotypically or just try to appear unique. Look for yourself, try to be self-sufficient and respect other people's opinions. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.06.2018 06:37

All signs of the Zodiac in the horoscope are divided into male and female Zodiac Signs. This division has nothing to do with gender. ...