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I dreamed of bright stars. Why do the stars dream in a dream. Why dream stars in a dream book

The stars have always beckoned man. For some, this is a chance to learn something new about the Universe, while for others it is a beautiful phenomenon that you can admire for hours. What is worth waiting for in the future, if you had a dream about the stars, now we will try to find out.

If in a dream you look at the sky and see a large number of twinkling stars, which means that in real life you have chosen for yourself the right way which will help you achieve your desired goal. The stars in your hands predict a happy future for you without any problems and worries. Also, such a dream can promise wealth and, most interestingly, this does not require much effort. In one of the dream books there is information that seeing stars in a dream is a positive sign of spiritual uplift. The main thing is not to miss the moment to change your life at this time. Among the clouds, to notice bright stars is a symbol that you still have a little hope that all existing problems will be easily resolved and everything will be fine. A dream in which the stars in the sky were visible portends the onset of a negative period, which will greatly affect your life. If you see celestial bodies that either light up or go out, this is a sign of changes that will happen quite by accident. Seeing a couple of bright stars in a dream means that a sincere one awaits you soon.

In a dream, to see the stars that are falling, for an unmarried woman, is a good omen that changes in love affairs await her and this will be for the better. In the near future, she may meet a man who will become her soulmate for life. Another dream about a shooting star promises happiness, which, unfortunately, will be fleeting. If you were able to make a wish when a star fell, then you can get rid of enemies and false friends.

Dream interpretation of V. Melnikov

To see the stars in a dream:

If you dreamed of stars in the sky, then good news awaits you.

If you saw bright stars in a dream, then success in business, excellent health and happiness await you.

Dim stars in a dream - to an unsuccessful course of affairs and illness.

If you saw in a dream how the stars in the sky cover the incoming clouds, then troubles and misfortunes await you.

Seeing shooting stars in a dream is a loss of relatives or close friends.

Big dream book

Why do the Stars dream - interpretation of sleep:

If you dreamed of clear, sparkling stars, then prosperity and good health await you.

If you saw dim and crimson stars in a dream, then this is a sign of problems and worries.

Flashing or falling stars in a dream - sadness and sadness await you.

If you dreamed of flashing and fading stars, then mysterious events and big changes will happen to you.

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

What are the stars for? Dream interpretation:

If in a dream you look at bright sparkling stars, then such a dream promises you good health and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation of Emperor Peter I

Why do the Stars dream in a dream:

If in a dream you look at clear, sparkling stars, then in reality this dream promises you good health and prosperity. Dim and crimson stars in your dream are a sign of future troubles and misfortunes. If you dream of a shooting star, then this is a harbinger of sadness and sadness.

In the near future, you should expect mysterious events and changes if you dream of mysteriously flashing and dying stars.

If you dream of an extinct star, this is a harbinger of the illness or death of someone from your close circle. You will be honored if in a dream you see the Order of the Star on your chest.

You will be loved if in a dream you receive gifts under a Christmas star. Seeing in a dream a clear daytime sky strewn with brilliant, bright stars means well-being, profit. Light stars in a dream are good news and good luck in all matters. If in a dream you see stars peeking out from behind the clouds, this dream predicts obstacles in all enterprises. A rich man who saw in a dream that the stars one after another disappear in the sky is threatened by loss, terrible boredom and worries. For a poor man, a dream about the stars promises short-term profit.

To dream that the stars are falling right on your house means family well-being. Seeing starfall in a dream means that you are passionate about a dream, strive to make it come true, no matter what.

Dreaming of the Stars? See the next interpreter.

Lewis' dream book

Why do the Stars dream, for what reason:

Star - Stars play a prominent role in the mythologies of various cultures around the world. In a dream, they can symbolize anything: from heaven and the mysteries of the universe to good luck ("born under a lucky star"), glory and fate.

Worldly dream book

What do the stars dream about in a dream book:

Seeing stars in a dream good sign that promises you the fulfillment of your dreams. If you dreamed of stars that brightly illuminate your path, then you can soon expect good profits or the appearance of influential people in your life who will support you.

If in a dream the stars are dim and far away, it means that your desires will not come true for a long time, in addition, misfortune will visit your house in the near future.

Dream interpretation of A. Pushkin

What is the dream of the Stars for? Dream interpretation:

Starfall - If you dream that you are looking into a starfall, then this means that you will face many disagreements, perhaps someone else's illness will be the cause of your suffering. If you are looking at starfall with your loved one, then such a dream portends sudden death relative.

Dream Interpretation of Karatov

What is the dream of the Stars in the dream book:

If in a dream you are waiting for a starfall, then such a dream portends their unfair deeds towards you. Seeing starfall during the day means that disappointment and loss await you. If If you are amazed at the beauty of starfall, then such a dream is a sign of a possible imminent deception or insurmountable obstacles. For a woman, this dream can be a harbinger of domestic conflicts and divorce.

Why do stars dream in the night sky? The dream interpretation suspects that an incredible insight will suddenly overtake you. For a more accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account other nuances of what happened to be seen in a dream.

Miller's forecast

According to Miller's dream book, the stars at night symbolize a completely new path on which you have to fight. If the stars were sparkling and clear, then it guarantees excellent health and prosperity. Dim is a sign of troubles and misfortunes.


Why dream of the night starry sky? A long struggle awaits you, during which you have to prove your advantages.

Dreamed of a night starry sky? You will soon gain confidence. It is also a harbinger of successful self-realization and the right path.

Sometimes in a dream a sky with bright stars promises a pleasant romantic meeting. But further relationships depend solely on the correctness of your behavior.

Get an inheritance!

Did you dream of a night sky strewn with sparkling dots? The dream interpretation guarantees incredible prospects and good luck obtained through sacrifice.

If in dreams the night sky brightened from the stars and the moon, then you are destined for spiritual enlightenment and gaining wisdom.

The sky, completely dark without a single star, symbolizes an inheritance that will literally fall on your head.

Specific transcripts

Seeing the sky in a dream illuminated with rare flashes means that family life will be filled with small joys.

If the sky was illuminated by a falling meteorite, then have fun in the company of friends in nature. A more accurate interpretation of sleep will be given by the stars themselves in the night sky.

  • Clear - happiness, love.
  • Dim - danger.
  • Falling - unexpected luck.
  • Fading - the death of a relative.
  • Flashing - strange changes.
  • Flickering - mysterious events.

Leadership or complete peace?

Why dream of stars in the night sky, formed into constellations? It is a symbol of a successful purchase, amazement and the right decision.

In addition, the dream book advises paying attention to the features of stellar structures. Had a dream that the constellations have sharp corners? In reality, take the lead.

If in a dream the stars formed right angles, then your position is stable, and your fate is precisely determined. The presence of smooth lines and roundness marks the need for spiritual peace and harmony.


Why dream of stars in the night sky, of which there were so many in a dream that it is even difficult to catch specific outlines? This means that a huge number of events will happen soon, the nature of which is difficult to say anything in advance.

The dream interpretation only advises to gather strength and accept what is destined with humility and courage. This is another lesson that needs to be passed through and learned.

What are you dreaming about?

Why dream of starfall? The dream interpretation believes that you are driven by a certain dream that requires a huge amount of material and spiritual resources.

If you dreamed that you made a wish while watching the falling dots, then you should not build illusory plans and cherish hopes.

Be careful!

Seeing a starfall in a dream and admiring its unearthly beauty means that you can't wait to take a break from the hustle and bustle. It is also a reflection of the desire for luxury and physical pleasures.

If the starfall lasted a very long time, then the dream book advises to be wary if things are going surprisingly well.