
Why can't you drink iced tea? Cold tea benefits and harms When tea is harmful

Iced tea is quite famous and popular soft drink in many countries of the world. In hot weather, such tea is as popular as kvass, lemonade or juices. Such tea can be easily prepared at home on your own, or you can simply buy ready-made tea in bottles in the store. For some time now, such tea has been found in almost any store or supermarket. However, on cold and winter days, such tea noticeably loses ground and loses its popularity, at this time it is consumed much less often than in summer.

Making iced tea is pretty easy. Tea can be made from any type of tea, mainly black or green tea is used for preparation, often made from a mixture of different types of tea. To give a pleasant aroma and taste, various aromatic additives are used.
First, tea is brewed in the traditional way. You can drink tea without sugar, but usually sugar or honey is added to tea at will in the required quantities to make the tea sweet. Next, let the tea stand and cool completely naturally. After the tea has cooled down, you can drink it, and if necessary, the tea is additionally cooled. For additional cooling, the tea is put in the refrigerator for a while, or you can add ice to the tea, in which case you get cold iced tea.

But it is not necessary to prepare such tea yourself. Currently, iced tea can be easily bought in many stores, where it is presented in a wide variety and for every taste. Of course, the quality of bottled tea often leaves much to be desired, because sometimes such tea is made from powders and various mixtures, which contain dyes and flavors that give the tea the desired color and taste. It is worth noting that cold coffee is also made in a similar way, which, by the way, is popular with coffee lovers.
Although it is pleasant to drink cold or cool tea on hot days, the taste and benefits of warm tea are still greater. It has long been believed that about 20 minutes after the tea has been brewed, its beneficial properties gradually begin to be lost and the taste goes away. The taste of cold tea is certainly inferior to the taste of hot tea.

The dangers of cold tea

Can cold tea be harmful? If you use iced tea in the cold season, and in other things, in the warm season too, then you can get sick by catching a sore throat. Well, in everything else, there is no harm as such from drinking cold tea, well, except for the loss of tea taste. And of course, it is worth noting that, like all food products, iced tea also has an expiration date, so you should not store such tea for a long time.

With the arrival of spring, and then hot summer days, many of us want to consume as many soft or cold drinks as possible. Cold tea is no exception. However, there is an opinion that cold tea is harmful to the body.

According to the work done and the materials studied by the urologist at the Chicago Loyola University Medical Center, John Milner, iced tea contributes to the provocation and formation of kidney stones. The urologist also cites the following arguments: in the summer, a person sweats quite a lot, the body becomes dehydrated, which significantly increases the risk of urolithiasis. Milner believes that people who have a history of kidney stones should avoid drinking iced tea.

According to the observations of the urologist Milner and his statistics, men are more at risk of the appearance and development of kidney stones. According to statistics, the risk of education in men and women is increased by 4 times. In the red risk zone are also people who are over forty years old, women whose estrogen levels are quite low, as well as those who are already in the postmenopausal period, those who have had their ovaries removed.

Kidney stones can develop due to the high concentration of oxalates and chemicals in tea. These substances are also found in hot tea, but in hot summer weather you want to drink it as little as possible.

The scientist gives advice to use exclusively pure water with a small addition of lemon or lemon juice. Lemon is rich in citrates, which prevent kidney stones from forming.

When tea is bad

  • Do not forget the most important thing - in everything you need to observe the measure. It is forbidden to drink a lot of tea without measure. This is argued by the fact that a large dose of tea will lead to the fact that the kidneys and heart receive an increased load and it is harder for the body to cope with excess fluid.
  • It is allowed to drink no more than four ordinary or ten small cups of tea in one day. Otherwise, the body receives a huge amount of polyphenols, which affect the functioning of the liver.
  • Remember a few important rules: do not brew tea for a very long time. If you brew for a long time, the process of oxidation of tea polyphenols and essential oils begins. For black, 8 minutes maximum is enough, for green, this time is halved. Do not drink yesterday's tea - a variety of bacteria multiply in it. Do not brew tea more than once. Do not drink very strong drink.


Drinking tea on an empty stomach is not recommended. This increases the risk of ulcers and heartburn. Hot tea can irritate the stomach and throat. Cold tea, on the contrary, causes cold stasis and causes phlegm to accumulate.

It is undesirable to drink tea before the main meal. In this case, the saliva will be thinner and the food may seem tasteless. It is recommended to take tea about half an hour before meals. After eating, gastroenterologists also do not recommend drinking tea. This is due to the fact that after eating, the digestion process slows down.

It is forbidden to drink medicines with tea. Argumentation: all tannins contained in tea, when split, form tannin, which gives a precipitate (if used simultaneously with drugs). Accordingly, the absorption of drugs by the body worsens.

When morning comes, part of the world's population begins it with a delicious and invigorating cup of a fragrant drink called tea. Sometimes, and especially in the warm season, we usually do not think and drink the rest of yesterday's, not fresh tea. Note that this is not recommended.


When the morning comes, part of the world's population begins it with a delicious and invigorating cup of a fragrant drink called tea. Sometimes, and especially in the warm season, we usually do not think and finish drinking remnants of yesterday, not fresh tea. Note that this is not recommended. Why is it not recommended to use yesterday's tea and which harm or benefit it can bring to the human body, we will tell in our article.

Tea is a unique drink with a tonic and invigorating effect. Level useful properties, as well as its effect on the human body depends entirely on varieties, consumption culture and brewing rules drink. The most important thing rule of any tea is that the drink is consumed on the same day it was brewed. In addition, when detected on the surface of the drink oily film, then it is better not to tempt fate and refuse to use. Note that the best option would be to spend an extra 20 or 30 minutes of your time and make new tea than drinking an old, not fresh and rather dangerous drink.

1. The benefits of yesterday's tea

Let's start our story with positive aspects of yesterday's tea. True, there are not as many of them as negative ones, but still they exist, so it will not be right to remain silent about virtues of yesterday's tea. So long time ago brewed or as it is popularly called, yesterday's tea, has a very important useful side, namely, it contains excellent healing properties, and also they can rinse the mouth to treat gums with bleeding. Dentists, for example, recommend rinsing your mouth with “old” tea before and immediately after brushing your teeth after each meal, for caries prevention, as well as strengthening of tooth enamel. Besides, yesterday's tea helps with inflammatory processes and small ulcers on the skin. They are great wash your eyes with highly excited vessels and reduce redness on the face, neck areas. This drink is pretty fast. relieves symptoms of conjunctivitis. The most important thing yesterday's tea rule, this is its use only outwardly.

yesterday's tea called a drink that a day after it brewing not spoiled, but already covered oily film on the surface. Such tea, and especially black view it retains a large amount of various acids and fluorine, and even in this state it has strong tonic properties, so it is also good for washing the face.

Unfortunately, the above virtues of yesterday's tea this is where his shortcomings begin and end, due to the fact that yesterday's drink has large quantity dead cells and high concentration harmful substances.

2. The harm of yesterday's tea

Scientists have proven that according to the results of their tests and experiments to make tea possible only once, since the second and subsequent brewing, completely deprive the drink of natural enzymes, as well as useful properties with amino acids. It has been proven that during the first tea brewing drink from tea leaves almost 70 percent useful components. Subsequent tea brewing can saturate it with usefulness by only 25-30 percent, and all such processes bring the finished drink closer to potentially harmful, since emissions of hazardous substances, which are contained in tea leaves, start concentrate. The same situation is yesterday's tea drink, which accumulates harmful substances and is a weak poison for the human body.

A famous Chinese proverb says that yesterday's tea drink like a poisonous snake, and in Japan folk sayings say that daily infusion tea comparable to a scorpion sting. Such strong statements about yesterday's tea no wonder, since the same tea can both help and harm the body. A lot depends on brewing rules and raw material quality. For example, the Chinese people do not drink under any circumstances. tea which is brewed over 12 hours ago and argue that it is better to drink cyanide than slow poison. The Japanese, as we described above, adhere to the same point of view and do not use tea drink a day old.

In order to understand how yesterday's tea is harmful must be looked at and studied carefully. compound any tea. After studying, it becomes clear that even 12 hours after brewing there is practically nothing useful in it, and all substances who are able to provide beneficial effect vanish into the body. 24 hours after brewing from tea drink almost all come out vitamins and the liquid turns into a nutrient medium for development in it fungal spores, as well as harmful bacteria.

When formed on the surface tea drink thin oily film, this means that fermentation oxidation process already started. Such film appears when oxidation of organic substances in liquid through fermentation starts decompose cells and useful material while creating favorable environment for harmful microorganisms with bacteria. Herself film, which is located on the surface of the drink has a complex biochemical composition and includes protein molecules, nitrogen cells, guanin, magnesium, as well as other substances.

If we start drink tea a day old after brewing with film on the surface, then when hit oxidizing substances into the human body, they quickly begin envelop the walls of the stomach and intestines, what makes it difficult complete absorption of nutrients that penetrate into digestive system along with food. As a rule, such difficulty at intake of nutrients with food into the body causes irritation of the intestinal mucosa. Cause such a disease becomes accumulation of food crushed to intestinal walls and stomach.

Note that under formed film in human digestive system start to form high toxic trace elements, which in turn, after absorption of the necessary substances by the mucosa, can cause erosive and ulcerative processes. In people who have severe ulcer disease it is strictly forbidden to even touch daily-old teas with an oily film on the surface.

Video review: “Yesterday's tea: benefits and harms”

We hope we have helped you find out. benefit and the dangers of yesterday or daily after tea brewing. Now we know how we can use yesterday's tea correctly without using it, and also why can't drink such liquid and what consequences for the human body it can cause, as well as what it can lead to. In addition, we note that properly prepared tea must be consumed within 20-30 minutes after brewing .


Iced tea is one of the most popular drinks consumed during the summer. On sultry hot days, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst, but it turns out that tea can be harmful to the human body.

Harm from drinking tea

Conducted research at the Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago (USA) by urologist John Milner became the basis for the assertion that, under certain conditions, iced tea can contribute to the formation of stones both in the urinary tubes and in the kidneys themselves. According to the conclusions of scientists, the use of cold tea in terms of harmful effects on humans is comparable to beer and carbonated drinks.

As a rule, the root cause of the appearance of kidney stones is from a lack of water in the body. With increased sweating, which is especially important in summer, there is increased dehydration. During this period, people begin to drink a lot of fluids, including iced tea.

If we compare men and women, then the propensity for the appearance of kidney stones in the female body is four times lower than in men. The high-risk group included people over the age of forty. This group included women with ovaries removed, who have low estrogen levels and are in the postmenopausal period. Cold tea is very dangerous for people prone to urolithiasis.

Studies by scientists have shown that iced tea contains a high content of oxalate, which contributes to the formation of stones. Accordingly, its harm is much greater than from hot, because in hot weather they drink it in very large quantities.

How to reduce harmful effects

Scientists at Loyola University recommend drinking lemon water (rich in citrates) instead of iced tea. Citrate is a substance that prevents the formation of stones and reduces the risk of urolithiasis. To reduce the risk associated with the deposition of oxalates, it is better to eat foods rich in calcium.

Is it possible to drink iced tea of ​​popular brands

Research tests carried out on fruit and tea drinks (Lipton, Nestea) by German consumer advocates (Foodwatch) have proven that they have minimal benefits and contain huge amounts of sugar. For example, when testing a green tea drink containing lemon and physalis, it was found in the composition of 15% of the tea and the absence of physalis, replaced by flavorings. The sugar content of the drink was 47 pieces per two liters of liquid.

The harm of cold tea has been proven by studies. But if you follow the measure - drink 1-2 cups of a good quality drink with the addition of natural ingredients, then it will bring pleasure and benefit.

The benefits of yesterday's tea have been argued for a long time..

Among the ancient Chinese tea taboos, there are taboos for cold, too strong, and scalding tea. Let's take a closer look at the prohibitions on long brewing, on repeated brewing and the ban on yesterday's tea.

Prohibition of long brewing tea

Long-term brewing of tea leads to the fact that the substances contained in the tea begin to oxidize. The process of oxidation of valuable substances (vitamins C and P, amino acids, etc.) has a very negative effect on tea: transparency, aroma and taste disappear, and the nutritional value of tea decreases. In addition, being exposed to the environment, the content of various microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) increases many times in tea.

Prohibition of repeated brewing of tea

As a rule, after the third or fourth brewing, tea leaves are already deprived of all their beneficial properties. According to the experiments, after the first infusion, about 50% of useful substances are extracted from tea leaves, after the second - already 30%, and after the third - 10%. By continuing to brew tea, we provoke the “exit” of all harmful substances, the content of which is small, but which come out last.

Ban on yesterday's tea

Tea that has stood for a day is considered by the Japanese to be “worse than a snake bite,” and the Chinese compare it to poison. Having examined in more detail the properties of tea that has been brewed for a long time or many times, it immediately becomes obvious that after standing for a day, the tea will not acquire any useful substances, but rather lose them. That's how it works! Tea loses all vitamins and becomes an excellent breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.
The first indicator that tea is not worth drinking is a thin oxide film that has appeared on the surface of the tea. This film appears as a result of the oxidation of organic substances contained in tea with oxygen. The composition of this film is very complex; it includes protein molecules, iron, magnesium, calcium, nitrogenous bases (theophylline, caffeine, guanine), etc.

The effect on the body of yesterday's tea!

After entering the body, a layer of this insoluble film envelops the mucous membrane of not only the intestines, but also the stomach, thereby preventing the absorption of nutrients and irritating the gastrointestinal tract. It also leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility and the accumulation of food masses in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the film, due to increased bacterial activity, the processes of not only fermentation, but also decay begin, after which the resulting toxic substances are absorbed by the mucous membrane and the development of erosive-ulcerative processes begins.

If the tea stood for a day, but not spoiled, it can be used as an external remedy for medicinal purposes:

  1. Yesterday's tea is an excellent helper for inflammation of the mouth, eczema, pain in the tongue, bleeding gums, abscesses and superficial skin lesions. And all this is due to the saturation of tea with fluorine and acids.
  2. If you wash your eyes with yesterday's tea in the morning, the pain in the presence of blood vessels in the proteins will significantly decrease, as well as the discomfort after tears.
  3. Yesterday's tea is an excellent mouthwash that strengthens teeth and gives a feeling of freshness. Rinse your mouth with tea in the morning before brushing your teeth and after eating.
is an excellent tonic drink, but its effect on our body depends on our knowledge of it! Therefore, do not forget that the first indicator that tea is better not to drink is the film formed on the surface!